Hi admin,
Re-downloading also didn't worked.. Can you please tell me what is the issue in it or the files in your download are not updated.
Can you also tell me if FusionWigdets support html5 (ipad + iphone compatible)?
Dear Rajroop,
This is to inform you that i tested each and every example provided by you in the trail version of FusionCharts Suite and found only FusionCharts XT supports HTML5 & flash both. Non of the examples of PowerCharts V3.2 worked for me when flash is disabled on the browser (chrome version 15).
Is it that these are disabled for trial versions and will works only in licensed version?
Still there are some issues in it?
Will it work with next release?
Can you please tell me in detail about it because i am very keen to use these charts in my project.
Below is the screen shot
Thank you,
Sunil kumar