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About karthik_k2

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    Advanced Member
  • Birthday 11/16/1988

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  1. Hi, I have a column chart. I want to change only the tooltext of the data elements of the column charts after some action, say onclick of a button. Is it possible to do that? If so kindly let me know how to do that. Thanks in advance.
  2. Exporting Pie Chart

    Thanks :-)
  3. Exporting Pie Chart

    Hi Team, I heard that this issue has been fixed. Kindly share the version no. or if it is the service release pls do share it too. Thanks.
  4. Exporting Pie Chart

    Its not yet fixed. I am hoping to get the fix in the next release. Atleast thats what I heard.
  5. Javascript Functions As Links

    Hi Ragav, If raising click event anywhere in your div is what your need is, then I dont think FusionCharts support that. FusionCharts support click on the data element of the chart only. I can suggest you to make this happen using normal javascript itself. Please see the following code snippet. Lets say your div id is "id" var x = document.getElementById("id");x.style.cursor = 'pointer';x.onclick = function() { // your code...}; I hope this will work for you.
  6. Pie Chart--Link

    Hi, I am using FusionCharts version v3.2.2. I came across a weird issue while using link option in Pie charts. With the help of that link I am calling a javascript function(like "link" : "j-onclick"). It works fine for the first two data elements of the Pie Chart but if I click on the other data elements, it is not calling the javascript function. I used the same json data for generating a column chart and everything works fine. Need clarification on this. Thanks in advance.
  7. Smart Labels In Gauges

    Please find the attached image in which i have modified the gauge image to show you my requirement. I want to enable such smart labels.
  8. Smart Labels In Gauges

    Hi, I am using FusionWidgets Version v3.2.2. I want to know if I could bring smart labels(as in pie charts) in the gauges(specifically angular gauge). The dial is showing the data on mouse hover. But my requirement is to show it as a label. Help me with this. Thanks in advance...
  9. Exporting Pie Chart

    Hi, I tried exporting fusion widgets. I am getting the exact pdf as I already got while exporting Pie chart(Please see the above threads). Please let me know if it is the same issue or if I am missing something. Thanks in advance.
  10. Reference Line In A Column Chart

    I am sorry.. I was not more precise. I can do that by using trend lines. Can i make those lines draggable?
  11. Reference Line In A Column Chart

    Hi, One of the needs of my application is that I should draw a reference line in the column chart. For instance I can say that reference line would indicate some value which is the expected one. I have attached a screenshot of one such. Please let me know if i can do it with the available configuration. FYI, I am using FusionCharts XT v3.2.2.
  12. Exporting Pie Chart

    Hi Sumedh, Just wanted to ask if the issue is resolved. We are in a kind of hurry.
  13. Getting Started

    Hi, I made some stupid mistake in including the js files in the script tag. Now i am able to see the chart but still the loadMask is there and it shows an error "p.dataReady is not a function".
  14. Getting Started

    I have done all those but still it is not showing anything. Neither it throws any error. Please see one of previous threads where i have added my js code. Anyways I will cross check it one more time.
  15. Getting Started

    Hi again, I have upgraded my fusion widgets to FusionWidgets_Enterprise XT v3.2.2, but still I am not seeing anything. I think I am not including some js files in the script tag. I have included FusionCharts.js only. Is it fine? If it is, please let me know where I can go wrong. Thanks.