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Everything posted by karthik_k2

  1. Svg String

    Hi, I was using Fusion charts version v3.1 earlier and now I have upgraded it to version v3.2.2. Everything is working fine so far except that I could not generate SVG string of the chart using the code "FusionCharts("chartId").ref.FCC.getSVG()". I do not know what went wrong, it shows "FusionCharts("chartId").ref is undefined". Please let me know if I have to change the code because of the upgradation. Thanks in advance.
  2. Svg String

    Thank you.. It works fine.
  3. Svg String

    Hi, Sorry for the repetitive post on the same issue. This is kind of urgent for my application. If generating SVG string is a problem, please let me know what the next best thing is. Thanks.
  4. Hi, By including link option into the data I am able to achieve some function. I want to know if there is any way by which i can enable right click on the data element of the charts and define some function for that. Hope you get my point.
  5. Javascript Functions As Links

    Thank you. But still I am not able to generate SVG string for the Charts. Please help me with that.
  6. Javascript Functions As Links

    Hi, The issue is fixed. I made that onClick() function global and it is working now. If there is any chance by which i can pass local function as a link please let me know.
  7. Javascript Functions As Links

    Hi, Thanks for your quick response. I am afraid I cannot give you my code as it has so many dependencies. So i am posting the next best thing, an equivalent code. loadChart : function() { var that = this; FusionCharts.setCurrentRenderer('javascript'); var chart = FusionCharts .render({ id : "Column Chart", swfUrl : 'FusionCharts/MSColumn2D.swf', width : that.chartW, height : that.chartH, renderAt : that.getComponent(that.getWrapperId()).el.id }); chart.setJSONData({ "chart" : { "caption" : "Stubent's Monthly Expenditure", "animation" : "1", "xAxisName" : "Students", "yAxisName" : "Currency", "shownames" : "1", "formatnumberscale" : "0", "placeValuesInside" : "0", "legendposition" : "BOTTOM" }, "categories" : [ { "category" : [{"label" : "Alex"},{"label" : "Ram"},{"label" : "John"}] } ], "dataset" : [{ "seriesname" : "USD", "showvalues" : "1", "data" : [{"value" : 100, "link" : j-that.onClick()},{"value" : 125, "link" : j-that.onClick()},{"value" : 85, "link" : j-that.onClick()}] },{ "seriesname" : "INR", "showvalues" : "1", "data" : [{"value" : 123, "link" : j-that.onClick()},{"value" : 123, "link" : j-that.onClick()},{"value" : 856, "link" : j-that.onClick()}] },{ "seriesname" : "SGD", "showvalues" : "1", "data" : [{"value" : 785, "link" : j-that.onClick()},{"value" : 656, "link" : j-that.onClick()},{"value" : 741, "link" : j-that.onClick()}] }] }); /* * this.chartSVG = * FusionCharts('ColumnChart').ref.FCC.getSVG(); */ }, onClick : function(){ alert("data element"); //some code here } loadChart and onClick are the member functions of an object(configuration). I have used that.onClick() in the link part since onClick() has no Scope inside loadChart(). The width,height and renderer are pre-configured. Hope this will do. Please get back in case if you need more details. And one more thing, the commented lines at the end of the loadChart() function is to generate svg string of the chart. That piece of code was working fine earlier. After i upgraded to fusion charts version v3.2.2 it is not working. I have started a new topic on this too. Please help me with that too.
  8. View Svg String

    Apologies for the mistake. The error was " FusionCharts('ChartId').ref is undefined". Looking fir the directions...
  9. Javascript Charts For Ipad

    I apologize for the mistake in the post. The error was "FusionCharts('chartID').ref is undefined".
  10. Javascript Charts For Ipad

    Does that piece of code hold good for fusion charts version v3.2.2? I am using the same code. It was working fine with version v3.1. But it gives an error "FusionCharts('chartID') is undefined" after I have upgraded the version. Please let me know if I need to do some changes. Thanks in Advance.
  11. View Svg String

    I have downloaded the latest version(v 3.2.2) and upgraded my application. But now it shows FusionCharts('ChartId') is undefined. I used the code FusionCharts('ChartId').ref.FCC.getSVG(); Do I have to change something?
  12. Prettify

    Hi, I use fusion charts in my application, which is purely javascript coded. I have attached the chart which I am getting(w/o-prettify.jpg). But I need something like the other attached image(aftapp-prettify.jpg). As far as my knowledge is concerned, I have to include prettify.js as a part of my application and I have done that. But it is not working. I am looking for your directions. Thanks in advance.
  13. Prettify

    Thank you very much. It works flawlessly.
  14. View Svg String

    Hi, I just started using fusion charts in my application. I am using Fusion Charts Enterprise Version v3.2. The application i use is purely javascript coded. My intention was to get the svg string of the charts and i used FusionCharts('chartId').ref.FCC.getSVG() for that. It works fine for all the charts except multi-series line(MSLine). Is there any other way by which i can generate the svg string? And yeah I am fetching the data from the database . Since for every other charts the code hoplds good, i dont think this would be the problem. Please help m solve this issue. Thanks in advance.