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About marzinsky

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    Forum Newbie
  1. Start Of The X Axis

    Hello, I want to represent in a graph values ​​between 0 and 1 in my chart and the Y-axis base value is 0.5. I want that the higher values ​​are above the base of the graph and the lower values ​​are below the base. It goes something like this chart, but the values ​​are always positive and less than 0.5 must be below and above the upper. Thanks.
  2. Showtooltip Don´t Work Correctly

    I can not provide them a URL because I have not yet anywhere on the server, but if I can show the images. Figure newly loaded. OK Tooltip on line category (Image 1) Remove all categories bar and just let the lines. Tooltip does not work: (Image 2) Figure newly loaded. Tooltip OK on category bar. (Image 3) Remove all categories least one bar. Tooltip OK. (Image 4) It happens with all the graphics in which there is a category of lines, mixed or not with the bar. In this case, the chart I use is: MSColumn3DLineDY.swf Thank you.
  3. Showtooltip Don´t Work Correctly

    Thanks for answering. What you tell me I have it clear. If graph line is not visible, there is nothing on which to situate and does not show the tooltip. What I refer is that when I remove a category X axis and I return to show again by clicking on the legend, is when don't show the tooltip.Only happened with the categoris represented by a line or area. If there are charts with bars and lines, when I delete a category which is a bar and I return to show again the tooltip works ok. I hope I have explained a little more. I don't speak English very well.
  4. Hello, when I'm in a line chart or area chart, property showtooltip works correctly but when I remove some value on the x axis by clicking on the legend showtooltip stop working. With bar charts work properly always. The error only detected it when I render the chart in javascript (FusionCharts.setCurrentRenderer ('javascript') . Someone can help me. Thanks and sorry for my English.
  5. Client-Side Export Not Working Ie8

    I downloaded the new version I outlined in the previous post and still have the same problems in IE8. If I run the code directly in a JSP page, it works fine but the problem comes when I try to run the export graphics library integrating the ZK framework. There is some incompatibility with this framework? More data: with IE9 works OK. It seems the problem is for IE8 and possibly earlier versions
  6. Client-Side Export Not Working Ie8

    Hi, thanks for answering. I think I've done all the steps that tells me, as for all other browsers the export works correctly 1.- You have defined the correct client side export handler's id in the data (XML/JSON) of the chart. <graph .... exportEnabled='1' exportAtClient='1' exportHandler='fcExporter1'> 2.- You have passed the correct client side export handler's id while calling the exportChart() function. <div id="chartdiv" align="center" style="z-index:0"></div> <script type="text/javascript"> var myChart = new FusionCharts("./js/MSColumn3D.swf", "myChartId", "1000", "400", "0", "1"); myChart.setDataXML("<%=XML%>"); myChart.render("chartdiv"); </script> <div id="fcexpDiv" align="center" width="300px">FusionCharts Export Handler Component</div> <script type="text/javascript"> //Render the export component in this //Note: fcExporter1 is the DOM ID of the DIV and should be specified as value of exportHandler //attribute of chart XML. var myExportComponent = new FusionChartsExportObject("fcExporter1", "./js/FCExporter.swf"); //myExportComponent.debugMode = true; //myExportComponent.componentAttributes.width = '400'; //myExportComponent.componentAttributes.height = '60'; myExportComponent.componentAttributes.btnsavetitle = 'Save'; myExportComponent.componentAttributes.btndisabledtitle = 'Waiting...'; //Render the exporter SWF in our DIV fcexpDiv myExportComponent.Render("fcexpDiv"); </script> 3.- Flash Player 10 or above is installed in the system. OK 4.- You have Flash Player Global Security settings configured to run the samples from local file system. OK. 5.- You have included the correct path of FusionCharts.js and FusionChartExportComponent.js in your HTML code. If steps 3,4 and 5 were not properly done, the export should not work with another browser, right?
  7. Hello, I have a problem when I try export a graphic IE8. When I do FF, CHROME it works perfectly. The code is: <graph... exportEnabled='1' exportAtClient='1' exportHandler='fcExporter1'> <script type="text/javascript"> //Render the export component in this //Note: fcExporter1 is the DOM ID of the DIV and should be specified as value of exportHandler //attribute of chart XML. var myExportComponent = new FusionChartsExportObject("fcExporter1", "./js/FCExporter.swf"); //myExportComponent.debugMode = true; //myExportComponent.componentAttributes.width = '400'; //myExportComponent.componentAttributes.height = '60'; myExportComponent.componentAttributes.btnsavetitle = 'Save'; myExportComponent.componentAttributes.btndisabledtitle = 'Waiting...'; //Render the exporter SWF in our DIV fcexpDiv myExportComponent.Render("fcexpDiv"); </script> The problem is that it appears the 'Save' button. Always 'Waiting' is displayed. My version is: Version: 3.2.2(XT) The code graph: <graph bgAlpha="100" labelDisplay="WRAP" canvasBaseColor="CCCCCC" zeroPlaneColor="CCCCCC" animation="1" thousandSeparator="." decimalSeparator="," decimalPrecision="2" hoverCapBgColor="000000" baseFontColor="ffffff" canvasBgColor="646464" bgcolor="000000" showNames="1" formatNumberScale="0" legendBgColor="6C6C6C" caption="Energía Activa y Reactiva mensual (KW)" xAxisName="Meses" yAxisName="KW" exportEnabled="1" exportAtClient="1" exportHandler="fcExporter1" exportFormats="JPEG=Exportar como JPEG|PNG=Exportar como PNG|PDF=Exportar como PDF"><categories fontColor="ffffff"><category name="ENE" hoverText="ENERO" /><category name="FEB" hoverText="FEBRERO" /><category name="MAR" hoverText="MARZO" /><category name="ABR" hoverText="ABRIL" /><category name="MAY" hoverText="MAYO" /><category name="JUN" hoverText="JUNIO" /><category name="JUL" hoverText="JULIO" /><category name="AGO" hoverText="AGOSTO" /><category name="SEP" hoverText="SEPTIEMBRE" /><category name="OCT" hoverText="OCTUBRE" /><category name="NOV" hoverText="NOVIEMBRE" /><category name="DIC" hoverText="DICIEMBRE" /></categories><dataset seriesname="Energía Activa" color="FF9A2F" showValue="1"><set value="0.0" /><set value="0.0" /><set value="0.0" /><set value="0.0" /><set value="0.0" /><set value="0.0" /><set value="0.0" /><set value="56.0" /><set value="0.0" /><set value="5178.5" /><set value="158.0" /><set value="0.0" /></dataset><dataset seriesname="Energía Reactiva" color="A7D34F" showValue="1"><set value="0.0" /><set value="0.0" /><set value="0.0" /><set value="0.0" /><set value="0.0" /><set value="0.0" /><set value="0.0" /><set value="66.0" /><set value="0.0" /><set value="-1.7799999713897705" /><set value="-45.0" /><set value="0.0" /></dataset></graph> Sorry for my English.