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Everything posted by hkbloke

  1. Hi all, I'm trying to put 2 charts on my page. The charts are of different types (e.g. 1 is a bar chart and the other is a pie chart). It seems that if i use certain combinations of chart types (e.g. 1 2d and the other 3D) then only the 2nd one gets displays, however if i set both to 2D (but still different types) then both get displayed. What are the rules for combining more than 1 chart on a page - is it simply that you cannot mix 2D and 3D charts on the same page ? thanks
  2. Hi - do you mean different class-id's within the <object> tag? If not how do you assign an ID to a chart. I cannot see anything in the documentation. I am using IE 7 launched from visual studio 2005 on XP.
  3. any thoughts anyone ? I can replicate the problem v.easily. Obviously i have a work around and to set both charts to 2D (1 bar and 1 piechart) but i really wanted the pie chart to be in 3D but as soon as i change it it does not get rendered (i.e. i only get the bar chart). I know the data is correct because if i comment out the bar chart then the 3D pie chart gets displayed.