I think I found the problem in line 2409 of MapsSourcecomfusionmapscoreMaps.as:
if ((this.entity [i].displayValue != "") && (this.params.showLabels==true && this.entity [i].showLabel!=false))
Requires that the map's showLabels be set to true AND the entity's showLabel be set to true - this doesn't make much sense.
It should be an OR condition, since either would be good, IMO, or check two things: 1) Map is set to true AND entity is set to true, OR 2) Entity is set to true <-- this would be the documented behavior.
if ((this.entity [i].displayValue != "") && (this.params.showLabels==true || this.entity [i].showLabel!=false))
would be my first solution or
if ((this.entity [i].displayValue != "") && ((this.params.showLabels==true && this.entity [i].showLabel!=false)) ||(this.entity [i].showLabel!=false))
would be my second proposal.
Does this help the problem any? I can't recompile...