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About boywithk9

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    Advanced Member
  1. Label Weirdness

    I have a chart that's mysteriously dropping some of the characters from the labels. Note that the year is missing in several of the x-axis labels in the second chart on the following page (screenshot also attached): Here's the xml for the chart: <chart caption="30-YEAR FIXED INTEREST RATE MORTGAGES" subCaption="Mortgage Rate History (36 Months)" showvalues="0" yAxisMinValue="4" yAxisValueDecimals="3" numberSuffix="%" labelDisplay='ROTATE' showBorder="0" bgColor="FFFFFF" showAlternateHGridColor="0" chartLeftMargin="0" chartRightMargin="5" adjustDiv="0" numDivLines="11" plotSpacePercent="50" baseFont='Verdana' baseFontSize ='11px' baseFontColor ='333' lineColor="E56B00" lineThickness="1" anchorRadius="0" anchorBgColor="E56B00" showShadow="0" decimals='3' forceDecimals='1' canvasBorderColor='cccccc' canvasBorderThickness='1' exportEnabled="1" exportShowMenuItem="0" exportType="PDF=Export as PDF File" exportAtClient="1" exportHandler="fcExporter1" exportFileName="interest_rates_short-term"> <set label="May-08" value="6.04" color='E56B00' /> <set label="Jun-08" value="6.32" color='E56B00' /> <set label="Jul-08" value="6.43" color='E56B00' /> <set label="Aug-08" value="6.48" color='E56B00' /> <set label="Sep-08" value="6.04" color='E56B00' /> <set label="Oct-08" value="6.2" color='E56B00' /> <set label="Nov-08" value="6.09" color='E56B00' /> <set label="Dec-08" value="5.29" color='E56B00' /> <vLine color='cccccc' /> <set label="Jan-09" value="5.05" color='E56B00' /> <set label="Feb-09" value="5.13" color='E56B00' /> <set label="Mar-09" value="5.0" color='E56B00' /> <set label="Apr-09" value="4.81" color='E56B00' /> <set label="May-09" value="4.86" color='E56B00' /> <set label="Jun-09" value="5.42" color='E56B00' /> <set label="Jul-09" value="5.22" color='E56B00' /> <set label="Aug-09" value="5.19" color='E56B00' /> <set label="Sep-09" value="5.06" color='E56B00' /> <set label="Oct-09" value="4.95" color='E56B00' /> <set label="Nov-09" value="4.88" color='E56B00' /> <set label="Dec-09" value="4.93" color='E56B00' /> <vLine color='cccccc' /> <set label="Jan-10" value="5.03" color='E56B00' /> <set label="Feb-10" value="4.99" color='E56B00' /> <set label="Mar-10" value="4.97" color='E56B00' /> <set label="Apr-10" value="5.10" color='E56B00' /> <set label="May-10" value="4.89" color='E56B00' /> <set label="Jun-10" value="4.74" color='E56B00' /> <set label="Jul-10" value="4.56" color='E56B00' /> <set label="Aug-10" value="4.43" color='E56B00' /> <set label="Sep-10" value="4.35" color='E56B00' /> <set label="Oct-10" value="4.23" color='E56B00' /> <set label="Nov-10" value="4.30" color='E56B00' /> <set label="Dec-10" value="4.71" color='E56B00' /> <vLine color='cccccc' /> <set label="Jan-11" value="4.76" color='E56B00' /> <set label="Feb-11" value="4.95" color='E56B00' /> <set label="Mar-11" value="4.84" color='E56B00' /> <set label="Apr-11" value="4.84" color='E56B00' /> <styles> <definition> <style name='CaptionStyle' type='font' font='Verdana' size='10' bold="0" color='333' letterspace="1" /> </definition> <application> <apply toObject='Caption' styles='CaptionStyle' /> </application> <definition> <style name='SubCaptionStyle' type='font' font='Georgia' size='22' bold="0" color='333333' /> </definition> <application> <apply toObject='subCaption' styles='SubCaptionStyle' /> </application> <definition> <style name='yAxisNameStyle' type='font' font='Verdana' size='12' bold="1" color='333333' isHTML="1" /> </definition> <application> <apply toObject='yAxisName' styles='yAxisNameStyle' /> </application> </styles> </chart>
  2. Label Bug

    I entered the information in the form you sent thinking that it might give an opportunity to upload the files in a subsequent form, but it didn't. There's no way for me to send files through the form you sent.
  3. Label Bug

    I just emailed the xml files to
  4. Label Bug

    Any word on when this will be fixed?
  5. Html5 Bar Chart, X-Axis Names Not Showing

    That worked great. I had to change the rotation and the x value for a column chart, but that did the trick. You can see the results in the market statistics section of (assuming you have an iPad). Thanks very much!
  6. Html5 Bar Chart, X-Axis Names Not Showing

    Perfect, thanks! Is a similar workaround available for column charts that would only display every nth label? My charts on aren't very pretty on the iPad 'cause the labels are crunched together.
  7. Html5 Bar Chart, X-Axis Names Not Showing

    That worked, thanks. Looking forward to your solution for the y-axis labels.
  8. Html5 Bar Chart, X-Axis Names Not Showing

    When you say "before you call render()", so you mean like this? If so, it's not working. <div id=chart1 align=center>The chart will appear within this DIV. This text will be replaced by the chart.</div> <script type=text/javascript> var myChart = new FusionCharts("../chartswf/Bar2D.swf?registerWithJS=1", "myChartId", "560", "175", "0", "1"); myChart.setDataURL("coldwell-banker_marketshare.xml"); if (!!chart._overrideJSChartConfiguration) { chart._overrideJSChartConfiguration({ plotOptions: { series: { dataLabels: { enabled: true, style: { fontSize: "7pt" }, color: "#FFFFFF", align: "right", x: -10, y: -2 } } } }); } myChart.render("chart1"); </script>
  9. Label Bug

    Just FYI, this problem is still occurring in v 3.2.1, although some charts that were previously showing ellipses are now showing correctly, and others that were previously showing correctly are now showing ellipses. On this page, only one of the 4 graphs is showing ellipses (all 4 graphs have exactly the same labels). Thanks
  10. Html5 Bar Chart, X-Axis Names Not Showing

    Just FYI, I just upgraded to v 3.2.1, and this problem is still happening. Also, the plot values are now also being pushed outside of view.
  11. Html5 Bar Chart, X-Axis Names Not Showing

    Here's the code: <chart showvalues="1" numberprefix="$" setAdaptiveYMin='0' yAxisMaxValue='320000000' labelDisplay='ROTATE' showYAxisValues='0' labelStep='1' placeValuesInside="1" formatNumberScale="0" showBorder="0" bgColor="FFFFFF" showAlternateHGridColor="0" chartLeftMargin="0" chartRightMargin="0" showPlotBorder="0" plotGradientColor="" plotFillRatio='100,0' canvasBorderColor="FFFFFF" adjustDiv="0" plotSpacePercent="40" baseFont='Verdana' baseFontSize ='11px' baseFontColor ='333' decimals='0' numDivLines='0' xAxisNameWidth="125"> <set label="Coldwell Banker" value="315457347" color='E56B00' /> <set label="David Lyng & Associates" value="247531271" color='32759D' /> <set label="Bailey Properties" value="246406005" color='32759D' /> <set label="Century 21" value="124559811" color='32759D' /> <set label="American Dream Realty" value="119646294" color='32759D' />
  12. I have a 2D bar chart that works fine in flash, but the html5 fallback version is cutting off almost all of the labels.
  13. Intermittent "error In Loading Data" Message

    I changed my setup to not use the relayer, and the error is no longer occurring. So it looks like the relayer php you gave me no longer works with v3.2.
  14. Intermittent "error In Loading Data" Message

    I was able to get the problem to occur while debugging mode was on, and I got the following error: ERROR: An error occurred while loading data. Please check your dataURL, by clicking on the "dataURL invoked" link above, to see if it's returing valid XML data. Common causes for error are: No URL Encoding provided for querystrings in dataURL. If your dataURL contains querystrings as parameters, you'll need to URL Encode the same. e.g., Data.asp?id=101&subId=242 should be Data%2Easp%3Fid%3D101%26subId%3D242 Different sub-domain of chart .swf and dataURL. Both need to be same owing to sandbox security. Network error It looks like something changed in 3.2 that is causing the use of the relayer to fail intermittently.
  15. Intermittent "error In Loading Data" Message

    I enabled debugging mode and it returned the following (note that the chart DID display correctly while this debug information was provided): Info: Chart loaded and initialized. Initial Width: 755 Initial Height: 375 Scale Mode: noScale Debug Mode: Yes Application Message Language: EN Version: 3.1.1 Chart Type: Single Series 2D Column Chart Chart Objects: BACKGROUND CANVAS CAPTION SUBCAPTION YAXISNAME XAXISNAME DIVLINES YAXISVALUES HGRID DATALABELS DATAVALUES TRENDLINES TRENDVALUES DATAPLOT TOOLTIP VLINES VLINELABELS INFO: Chart registered with external script. DOM Id of chart is chartobject-1 WARNING: Could not find dataXML or dataURL parameter. Setting dataURL to default data file Data.xml. dataURL provided: Data.xml dataURL invoked: Data.xml?FCTime=324 INFO: setDataXML method invoked from external script. INFO: XML Data provided using dataXML method. XML Data: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <chart adjustDiv="0" baseFont="Verdana" baseFontColor="333" baseFontSize="11px" bgColor="FFFFFF" canvasBorderColor="FFFFFF" caption="COASTAL SINGLE-FAMILY HOMES IN SANTA CRUZ COUNTY" chartLeftMargin="48" chartRightMargin="0" exportAtClient="1" exportEnabled="1" exportFileName="coastal_sfh_units" exportHandler="fcExporter1" exportShowMenuItem="1" exportType="PDF=Export as PDF File" labelDisplay="ROTATE" labelStep="1" numDivLines="10" plotFillRatio="100,0" plotGradientColor="" plotSpacePercent="70" setAdaptiveYMin="0" showAlternateHGridColor="0" showBorder="0" showPlotBorder="0" showvalues="1 " subCaption="Number of Sales"> <set color="32759d" label="2000-Q1" value="90" /> <set color="32759d" label="2000-Q2" value="101" /> <set color="32759d" label="2000-Q3" value="80" /> <set color="32759d" label="2000-Q4" value="70" /> <set color="32759d" label="2001-Q1" value="50" /> <set color="32759d" label="2001-Q2" value="65" /> <set color="32759d" label="2001-Q3" value="58" /> <set color="32759d" label="2001-Q4" value="51" /> <set color="32759d" label="2002-Q1" value="53" /> <set color="32759d" label="2002-Q2" value="79" /> <set color="32759d" label="2002-Q3" value="67" /> <set color="32759d" label="2002-Q4" value="66" /> <set color="32759d" label="2003-Q1" value="63" /> <set color="32759d" label="2003-Q2" value="70" /> <set color="32759d" label="2003-Q3" value="99" /> <set color="32759d" label="2003-Q4" value="80" /> <set color="32759d" label="2004-Q1" value="71" /> <set color="32759d" label="2004-Q2" value="89" /> <set color="32759d" label="2004-Q3" value="92" /> <set color="32759d" label="2004-Q4" value="61" /> <set color="32759d" label="2005-Q1" value="64" /> <set color="32759d" label="2005-Q2" value="76" /> <set color="32759d" label="2005-Q3" value="87" /> <set color="32759d" label="2005-Q4" value="52" /> <set color="32759d" label="2006-Q1" value="55" /> <set color="32759d" label="2006-Q2" value="63" /> <set color="32759d" label="2006-Q3" value="64" /> <set color="32759d" label="2006-Q4" value="55" /> <set color="32759d" label="2007-Q1" value="46" /> <set color="32759d" label="2007-Q2" value="64" /> <set color="32759d" label="2007-Q3" value="69" /> <set color="32759d" label="2007-Q4" value="49" /> <set color="32759d" label="2008-Q1" value="30" /> <set color="32759d" label="2008-Q2" value="49" /> <set color="32759d" label="2008-Q3" value="55" /> <set color="32759d" label="2008-Q4" value="30" /> <set color="32759d" label="2009-Q1" value="18" /> <set color="32759d" label="2009-Q2" value="41" /> <set color="32759d" label="2009-Q3" value="52" /> <set color="32759d" label="2009-Q4" value="57" /> <set color="32759d" label="2010-Q1" value="38" /> <set color="32759d" label="2010-Q2" value="52" /> <set color="32759d" label="2010-Q3" value="53" /> <styles> <definition> <style bold="0" color="333" font="Verdana" letterspace="1" name="CaptionStyle" size="10" type="font" /> </definition> <application> <apply styles="CaptionStyle" toObject="Caption" /> </application> <definition> <style bold="0" color="333333" font="Georgia" name="SubCaptionStyle" size="22" type="font" /> </definition> <application> <apply styles="SubCaptionStyle" toObject="subCaption" /> </application> </styles> </chart>