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Everything posted by boywithk9

  1. xml file on different server

    Well, I guess I spoke too soon -- it's not working. I had the relayer.php file placed on the server, and I've tested it by going to: That correctly returned the remote .xml file. And the code I've placed on the page calling the relayer file is: myChart.setDataURL(escape("/inc/php/relayer.php?XML=")); But I get an "error in loading data" message...
  2. xml file on different server

    Excellent, thanks. And thanks for dumbing it down for me. ;-)
  3. xml file on different server

    I see in another thread that the following code would solve my problem: <?php $xmlDoc = new DOMDocument(); $xmlDoc->load(""); header('Content-type: text/xml'); echo $xmlDoc->saveXML(); ?> However, I'm not a programmer, and I have no idea where to put this or what it means. Does it go in the head of the php file? If I have multiple charts on a page, do I duplicate the code for each chart? What do I do with the myChart.setDataURL, which is what currently points to the file? Thanks
  4. Legend Color Swatch Size

    I just noticed that some of the official chart examples on have much larger color swatches in the legend than other charts. Here are two examples of large swatches: And here are charts whose legend displays small swatches: Anyone know how I can make my swatches bigger? I read in the documentation that the following is supposed to do it, but for me it only changes the text, not the swatch.
  5. Adding a Text Overlay

    Is there any way to add text on top of a graph? For example, the last chart on the following page is what I'm trying to create with FusionCharts. The "Buyer's Market" and "Seller's Market" text is important to making sense of the information.