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About midohioit

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  1. scroll bar 2d display

    The First issue: Is there a way to either set the bar width or display more than 18 bars with out scrolling? Currently 18 is displaying now without scrolling but I would like about 100 to show at once. The second issue: Is there a way to display multi-color bars on this for a single series? This issue only needs to be answered if the first issue can be resolved. Please review the chart here, the 1st chart is the one I am referring to: http://www.hrtfitsauna.com/demo/chartdemo.html

    Below is the code I'm using for the Column2d Chart. If you goto the link below you will see the actual chart and the outline with rounded corners that goes around the chart. My logo is beneath the white area (with the gray shadow and rounded corner). I want to keep the outline with the round corners/ drop shadow but yet still be able to view my Logo (hrtfitlogo.jpg). Basically if I could move the logo forward one layersort of speak so that it would then be visible, this would be great! http:// http://www.hrtfitsauna.com/demo/chartdemo.html [font=System][color=#000000] subcaption='Weight loss' xAxisName='Weight by Date (Hover over image to view Info)' yAxisName='weight loss in lbs' showValues='0' showAlternateHGridColor='0' divLineColor='FFFFFF' divLineAlpha='0' canvasBorderColor='FFFFFF' baseFontColor='666569' lineColor='FCB541' yAxisMinValue='196' yAxisMaxValue='280' showLabels='0' palette='4' bgcolor='FFFFFF'>[/color][/font] I put in the damn code tags and my code still wont display! HELP on this so that I can post my code!