Hi there,
I wish I could graph the following data, got from a getJson() call to a webservice :
(however it could be something like the following :
{"measures":[{"date":"2011-01-01 15:45:02", "nb_sessions":437}, ... {}]}
To get started, I create a timestamp for each point, and then attach the array to my chart.
$.getJSON( chart.$baseurl+"index.php/ws_query/graph/?startdate="+minXValue+"&enddate="+maxXValue,
function(data) {
var s = [];
$.each(data.measures,function(i,item) {
if ( typeof item.date_hour === "undefined" )
item.date_hour = 12;
if ( typeof item.date_min === "undefined" )
item.date_min = 0;
var unPoint = [ item.date_year+"-"+(item.date_month)+"-"+item.date_day+" "+item.date_hour+":"+item.date_min , item.nb_sessions ];
s.push ( unPoint );
var myChart = new FusionCharts( "<?=base_url()?>application/js/ext/fusioncharts/Charts/Column2D.swf",
"myChartId", "400", "300", "0", "1" );
var objJSON = {
"chart": {
"caption": "Monthly Sales Summary",
"subcaption": "For the year 2004",
"xaxisname": "Month",
"yaxisname": "Sales",
"numberprefix": "{:content:}quot;,
"showlabels": "1",
"showcolumnshadow": "1",
"animation": "1",
"showalternatehgridcolor": "1",
"alternatehgridcolor": "ff5904",
"divlinecolor": "ff5904",
"divlinealpha": "20",
"alternatehgridalpha": "5",
"canvasbordercolor": "666666",
"basefontcolor": "666666",
"linecolor": "FF5904",
"linealpha": "85",
"showvalues": "1",
"rotatevalues": "1",
"valueposition": "auto"
"data": s
myChart.setJSONData( objJSON );
However, from what I understand, there is no direct support for timeseries. Do I need to add categories by hand ? How are time aggregations handled ? All the samples focus on preset month or categories and are not very helpful.
Any help for efficiently graphing a time serie would be appreciated.