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Everything posted by 96122

  1. I have been using fusion charts to plot the number of unique IPs that visit our site, and their associated number of hits. I have allocated 15 pixels per bar for a Bar2D graph, thus if I had 300 unique IP's, I would set the charts height to (300*15) pixels high to render all the data without overlapping. However, when I do this and the charts height exceeds somewhere around 4000 pixels high, the chart fails to render some parts of the bottom. See attached image. If anyone knows how to fix this please let me know.
  2. Binary line graph - can not figure out how to have two values on the same x value but different y values Hi there, I am new to this, I am trying to plot the following: x= 0 1 1 2 2 3.. y= 0 0 1 1 0 0.. Please see attachment for illustration Does anyone know how to plot in a fashion like the first one??? Many thanks in advance.