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About mattvb91

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    Forum Newbie
  1. Realtime Html5 Line Charts

    Thanks for that. Is there a roadmap for fusioncharts with upcoming releases and planned updates? Reason I ask is because we are trying to make up our mind with which chart library to go with and this is essential. If we could have a roadmap and know when/if the rest of the charts are planned/in development for realtime updating it would help quite a bit in making our decision.
  2. Realtime Html5 Line Charts

    Hey, Have been testing out fusioncharts for a project at the moment and like it so far. However, I am a bit confused on the real time side of things. I have a few real time samples working, However they are all in flash? We are in need of this functionality through html5/javascript elements so it can all be accessed even through mobile browsers which do not have flash installed on the system. Is there a list populated somewhere where we can see what elements are able to update in realtime purely through html5/javascript in FusionCharts? Any help appreciated.