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About marcfromm

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    Forum Newbie
  1. X Axis Labels

    FusionCharts Free v2.2 Released: Aug 2009 Yes this worked. All my searching and topics only mentioned the labelDisplay attribute. Thanks
  2. X Axis Labels

    The only other thing I can provide to find a sollution to not being abale to rotate the x-axis labels is can it be because I am using "FusionCharts_Gen.php" as an include and not "FusionCharts.php" ? I hope there can be a solution, since as shown in my attacehd image above having 27 different items to graph creates a mess on the x-axis labels. Thanks
  3. X Axis Labels

    Attached is what the chart looks like.
  4. X Axis Labels

    If by XML you mean the view source of the php page as seen in the browser. <!-- START Script Block for Chart Column3D1 --> <div id="Column3D1Div"> Chart. </div> <script type="text/javascript" > var chart_Column3D1 = new FusionCharts("../FusionCharts/FCF_Column3D.swf", "Column3D1", "1200", "300", "0", "0", "","noScale","EN"); //Provide entire XML data using dataXML method chart_Column3D1.setDataXML("<graph caption='Workstudy Students' subCaption='By spriden_origin' xAxisName='spriden_origin' yAxisName='Students' labelDisplay='ROTATE' decimalPrecision='0' formatNumberScale='0' ><set value='1' name='ADMWEB' color='AFD8F8' /><set value='17436' name='ADNT' color='F6BD0F' /><set value='5' name='ALCONV' color='8BBA00' /><set value='6' name='ALNT' color='FF8E46' /><set value='37' name='APAIDEN' color='008E8E' /><set value='3' name='FOAIDEN' color='D64646' /><set value='35' name='FTMVEND' color='8E468E' /><set value='41' name='PPAIDEN' color='588526' /><set value='3' name='RCRTP00' color='B3AA00' /><set value='10' name='RCRTP01' color='008ED6' /><set value='13' name='RCRTP02' color='9D080D' /><set value='22' name='RCRTP03' color='A186BE' /><set value='40' name='RCRTP04' color='CC6600' /><set value='48' name='RCRTP05' color='FDC689' /><set value='57' name='RCRTP06' color='ABA000' /><set value='55' name='RCRTP07' color='F26D7D' /><set value='107' name='RCRTP08' color='FFF200' /><set value='149' name='RCRTP09' color='0054A6' /><set value='330' name='RCRTP10' color='F7941C' /><set value='497' name='RCRTP11' color='CC3300' /><set value='3682' name='RCRTP12' color='006600' /><set value='19' name='SAAQUIK' color='663300' /><set value='75' name='SORTAPE' color='6DCFF6' /><set value='973' name='SPAIDEN' color='AFD8F8' /><set value='75' name='SRAQUIK' color='F6BD0F' /><set value='155' name='STUCONV' color='8BBA00' /><set value='0' name='' color='FF8E46' /></graph>"); chart_Column3D1.render("Column3D1Div"); </script> <!-- END Script Block for Chart Column3D1 --> The acutal php page code is as shown in the start of my post in the code block. Thanks
  5. X Axis Labels

    I followed an online tutorial for fusion carts and php. Everything works my data for a postgresql database displays correctly. I am now trying to format the x axis labels to be vertical. I found that labelDisplay=ROTATE is used to do this. When I include this there is no change to my x axis labels. In the $strParam line "labelDisplay=ROTATE" seems to be ignored, whether it is there or not the chart is displayed but the x-axis labels remain horizontal. How can I make my x-axis labels vertical? Thanks. $strParam="caption=Workstudy Students;subCaption=By spriden_origin;xAxisName=spriden_origin;yAxisName=Students;labelDisplay=ROTATE;decimalPrecision=0; formatNumberScale=0"; $FC->setChartParams($strParam); // Connect to the Database $conn = pg_connect("host=localhost port=#### user=######## dbname=###"); $strQuery = "SELECT spriden_origin, count(spriden_origin) as total FROM sw_items GROUP BY spriden_origin ORDER BY spriden_origin"; $result = pg_query($conn, $strQuery); $numrows = pg_num_rows($result); echo "Records:" . $numrows . "<br />"; while($row = pg_fetch_object($result)){ $count = $row->total; $spriden_origin = $row->spriden_origin; echo $spriden_origin . " : " . $count . " | "; $FC->addChartData($count,"name=" . $spriden_origin); } $FC->renderChart();