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About solarisfire
Junior Member
Javascript Rendering Issue - Charts And Widgets
solarisfire replied to solarisfire's topic in Javascript Problems
I have no requirement. Just saying the problem with zoomline has been fixed. -
Javascript Rendering Issue - Charts And Widgets
solarisfire replied to solarisfire's topic in Javascript Problems
Can confirm this is fixed in SR3! Thanks! -
Pie Chart Works In Chrome & Ie But Not In Firefox.
solarisfire replied to solarisfire's topic in General usage
I gather that now, it's just interesting how the different browsers react to this differently :-) -
Pie Chart Works In Chrome & Ie But Not In Firefox.
solarisfire replied to solarisfire's topic in General usage
Worked this out. It's a problem with this line: var myChart = new FusionCharts("http://trust.hornbill.net/wp-content/plugins/hornbill-trust/inc/Pie2D.swf", "1554794125", "100%", "100%", "0", "1"); Specifically the bit that says: "100%", "100%" In IE + Chrome it works fine, and fills out to take up all the room that it needs. In Firefox it takes up no space. Set it to an actual figure, aka "433", "150" instead of the percentages and it works perfectly. Not sure this is a bug in the way the firefox rendering engine handles the code, or the way flash renders... -
Pie Chart Works In Chrome & Ie But Not In Firefox.
solarisfire replied to solarisfire's topic in General usage
Please help with this... I really don't understand why it would work in two browsers but not firefox :-( -
Can anyone tell me why this page loads in Chrome, but not in firefox? http://101smf.com/solarisfire/static.htm
Javascript Rendering Issue - Charts And Widgets
solarisfire replied to solarisfire's topic in Javascript Problems
Ignore me, I still had two values overlapping. It's just infuriating to see it work in Flash but not in JS even from the same code. But I would like the background not being visible on flash looked into... -
Javascript Rendering Issue - Charts And Widgets
solarisfire replied to solarisfire's topic in Javascript Problems
Ok this still doesn't work... The code to colour these bars in is now: var myChart = new FusionCharts("/wp-content/plugins/hornbill-trust/inc/AngularGauge", "myChartId", "100%", "125", "0", "1"); myChart.setJSONData( { "chart": { "manageresize": "1", "origw": "350", "origh": "200", "palette": "2", "bgalpha": "0", "bgcolor": "FFFFFF", "lowerlimit": "99", "upperlimit": "100", "numbersuffix": "%", "showborder": "0", "basefontcolor": "FFFFDD", "charttopmargin": "5", "chartbottommargin": "5", "tooltipbgcolor": "009999", "gaugefillmix": "{dark-10},{light-70},{dark-10}", "gaugefillratio": "3", "pivotradius": "8", "gaugeouterradius": "120", "gaugeinnerradius": "70%", "gaugeoriginx": "175", "gaugeoriginy": "170", "trendvaluedistance": "5", "tickvaluedistance": "3", "managevalueoverlapping": "1", "autoaligntickvalues": "1" }, "colorrange": { "color": [ { "minvalue": "99", "maxvalue": "99.5", "code": "FF654F" }, { "minvalue": "99.5", "maxvalue": "99.95", "code": "F6BD0F" }, { "minvalue": "99.5", "maxvalue": "100", "code": "8BBA00" } ] }, "dials": { "dial": [ { "value": "100", "rearextension": "10", "basewidth": "10" } ] }, "trendpoints": { "point": [ { "startvalue": "62", "displayvalue": "Average", "usemarker": "1", "markerradius": "8", "dashed": "1", "dashlen": "2", "dashgap": "2" } ] }, "annotations": { "groups": [ { "id": "Grp1", "showbelow": "1", "showshadow": "1", "items": [ { "type": "rectangle", "x": "$chartStartX+5", "y": "$chartStartY+5", "tox": "$chartEndX-5", "toy": "$chartEndY-5", "radius": "10", "fillcolor": "C4D5DC, A3A5A4", "showborder": "0" } ] } ] }, "styles": { "definition": [ { "name": "RectShadow", "type": "shadow", "strength": "3" }, { "name": "trendvaluefont", "type": "font", "bold": "1", "bordercolor": "FFFFDD" } ], "application": [ { "toobject": "Grp1", "styles": "RectShadow" }, { "toobject": "Trendvalues", "styles": "trendvaluefont" } ] }}); And this works on flash (although there is still a bug rendering the background): But the yellow area doesn't render at all on JS... -
Javascript Rendering Issue - Charts And Widgets
solarisfire replied to solarisfire's topic in Javascript Problems
I will test this code now. However JS: and Flash: From the same code look very very different ;-) -
Javascript Rendering Issue - Charts And Widgets
solarisfire replied to solarisfire's topic in Javascript Problems
Also the lines render fine in Flash but not in JS! They should look almost identical in both rendering formats... -
Javascript Rendering Issue - Charts And Widgets
solarisfire replied to solarisfire's topic in Javascript Problems
This doesn't really solve my problem at all... The number I am plotting on this graph will nearly always be a floating point number between 99 and 100, so it's pointless having a gauge scale from 0-100 as it will always be at the top. I instead need the graph to be able to have a value of 99.5 and be able to position the needle... What you are suggesting isn't a very flexible solution. -
Radial And Linear Gauge Widgets Not Displaying Background!
solarisfire replied to solarisfire's topic in Bug Reports
Is this using the JSON I posted? Very strange... -
Radial And Linear Gauge Widgets Not Displaying Background!
solarisfire posted a topic in Bug Reports
Bar charts used to look like this: Radial Gauge used to look like this: But now without any change in the JSON powering them, they have lost their grey faded background... Bar Code: <script LANGUAGE="Javascript" SRC="[url=""]/wp-content/plugins/hornbill-trust/inc/FusionCharts.js[/url]"></SCRIPT><div id="1145308933">FusionCharts will load here</div><p><script type="text/javascript"><!-- var myChart = new FusionCharts("/wp-content/plugins/hornbill-trust/inc/HLinearGauge", "myChartId", "100%", "100", "0", "1"); myChart.setJSONData( { "chart": { "manageresize": "1", "origw": "200", "orih": "120", "bgcolor": "FFFFFF", "bgalpha": "0", "showborder": "0", "upperlimit": "100", "lowerlimit": "98", "numbersuffix": "%", "gaugeroundradius": "5", "ticksbelowgauge": "1", "placevaluesinside": "0", "showgaugelabels": "0", "valueabovepointer": "1", "pointerontop": "1", "pointerradius": "6", "charttopmargin": "15", "chartbottommargin": "15", "chartleftmargin": "25", "chartrightmargin": "30", "majortmcolor": "666666" }, "colorrange": { "color": [ { "minvalue": "95", "maxvalue": "100", "code": "0E48F6" } ] }, "pointers": { "pointer": [ { "value": "99.904916666667" } ] }, "trendpoints": { "point": [ { "startvalue": "99.5", "displayvalue": "Target", "dashed": "1", "dashlen": "1", "dashgap": "3", "color": "FFFFFF", "thickness": "2" } ], "point": [ { "startvalue": "99.95", "displayvalue": "Goal", "dashed": "1", "dashlen": "1", "dashgap": "3", "color": "FFFFFF", "thickness": "2" } ] }, "annotations": { "groups": [ { "id": "Grp1", "showbelow": "1", "items": [ { "type": "rectangle", "x": "$chartStartX", "y": "$chartStartY", "tox": "$chartEndX", "toy": "$chartEndY", "radius": "10", "fillcolor": "FFFFFF, FFFFFF, FFFFFF", "fillangle": "90" }, { "type": "rectangle", "x": "$chartStartX+10", "y": "$chartStartY+10", "tox": "$chartEndX-10", "toy": "$chartEndY-10", "radius": "10", "fillcolor": "C4D5DC, A3A5A4", "fillangle": "180" } ] } ] }, "styles": { "definition": [ { "name": "valueFont", "type": "Font", "bgcolor": "333333", "size": "10", "color": "FFFFFF" } ], "application": [ { "toobject": "VALUE", "styles": "valueFont" } ] }} ); myChart.render("1145308933"); // --></script> Widget Code: <div class="widgetwrap"><h5><span>Uptime Last Month</span></h5><script LANGUAGE="Javascript" SRC="[url=""]/wp-content/plugins/hornbill-trust/inc/FusionCharts.js[/url]"></SCRIPT><div id="849173302">FusionCharts will load here</div><script type="text/javascript"><!-- var myChart = new FusionCharts("/wp-content/plugins/hornbill-trust/inc/AngularGauge", "myChartId", "100%", "125", "0", "1"); myChart.setJSONData( { "chart": { "manageresize": "1", "origw": "350", "origh": "200", "palette": "2", "bgalpha": "0", "bgcolor": "FFFFFF", "lowerlimit": "99", "upperlimit": "100", "numbersuffix": "%", "showborder": "0", "basefontcolor": "FFFFDD", "charttopmargin": "5", "chartbottommargin": "5", "tooltipbgcolor": "009999", "gaugefillmix": "{dark-10},{light-70},{dark-10}", "gaugefillratio": "3", "pivotradius": "8", "gaugeouterradius": "120", "gaugeinnerradius": "70%", "gaugeoriginx": "175", "gaugeoriginy": "170", "trendvaluedistance": "5", "tickvaluedistance": "3", "managevalueoverlapping": "1", "autoaligntickvalues": "1" }, "colorrange": { "color": [ { "minvalue": "0", "maxvalue": "99.4", "code": "FF654F" }, { "minvalue": "45", "maxvalue": "99.5", "code": "F6BD0F" }, { "minvalue": "80", "maxvalue": "100", "code": "8BBA00" } ] }, "dials": { "dial": [ { "value": "99.995", "rearextension": "10", "basewidth": "10" } ] }, "trendpoints": { "point": [ { "startvalue": "62", "displayvalue": "Average", "usemarker": "1", "markerradius": "8", "dashed": "1", "dashlen": "2", "dashgap": "2" } ] }, "annotations": { "groups": [ { "id": "Grp1", "showbelow": "1", "showshadow": "1", "items": [ { "type": "rectangle", "x": "$chartStartX+5", "y": "$chartStartY+5", "tox": "$chartEndX-5", "toy": "$chartEndY-5", "radius": "10", "fillcolor": "C4D5DC, A3A5A4", "showborder": "0" } ] } ] }, "styles": { "definition": [ { "name": "RectShadow", "type": "shadow", "strength": "3" }, { "name": "trendvaluefont", "type": "font", "bold": "1", "bordercolor": "FFFFDD" } ], "application": [ { "toobject": "Grp1", "styles": "RectShadow" }, { "toobject": "Trendvalues", "styles": "trendvaluefont" } ] }});myChart.render("849173302"); // --></script> <center>99.995% 2012-01</center></div> </div><!-- .one_fourth --> <div class="one_fourth last"> <div class="widgetwrap"><h5><span>Uptime This Month</span></h5><script LANGUAGE="Javascript" SRC="[url=""]/wp-content/plugins/hornbill-trust/inc/FusionCharts.js[/url]"></SCRIPT><div id="234153891">FusionCharts will load here</div><script type="text/javascript"><!-- var myChart = new FusionCharts("/wp-content/plugins/hornbill-trust/inc/AngularGauge", "myChartId", "100%", "125", "0", "1"); myChart.setJSONData( { "chart": { "manageresize": "1", "origw": "350", "origh": "200", "palette": "2", "bgalpha": "0", "bgcolor": "FFFFFF", "lowerlimit": "99", "upperlimit": "100", "numbersuffix": "%", "showborder": "0", "basefontcolor": "FFFFDD", "charttopmargin": "5", "chartbottommargin": "5", "tooltipbgcolor": "009999", "gaugefillmix": "{dark-10},{light-70},{dark-10}", "gaugefillratio": "3", "pivotradius": "8", "gaugeouterradius": "120", "gaugeinnerradius": "70%", "gaugeoriginx": "175", "gaugeoriginy": "170", "trendvaluedistance": "5", "tickvaluedistance": "3", "managevalueoverlapping": "1", "autoaligntickvalues": "1" }, "colorrange": { "color": [ { "minvalue": "0", "maxvalue": "99.4", "code": "FF654F" }, { "minvalue": "45", "maxvalue": "99.5", "code": "F6BD0F" }, { "minvalue": "80", "maxvalue": "100", "code": "8BBA00" } ] }, "dials": { "dial": [ { "value": "100", "rearextension": "10", "basewidth": "10" } ] }, "trendpoints": { "point": [ { "startvalue": "62", "displayvalue": "Average", "usemarker": "1", "markerradius": "8", "dashed": "1", "dashlen": "2", "dashgap": "2" } ] }, "annotations": { "groups": [ { "id": "Grp1", "showbelow": "1", "showshadow": "1", "items": [ { "type": "rectangle", "x": "$chartStartX+5", "y": "$chartStartY+5", "tox": "$chartEndX-5", "toy": "$chartEndY-5", "radius": "10", "fillcolor": "C4D5DC, A3A5A4", "showborder": "0" } ] } ] }, "styles": { "definition": [ { "name": "RectShadow", "type": "shadow", "strength": "3" }, { "name": "trendvaluefont", "type": "font", "bold": "1", "bordercolor": "FFFFDD" } ], "application": [ { "toobject": "Grp1", "styles": "RectShadow" }, { "toobject": "Trendvalues", "styles": "trendvaluefont" } ] }});myChart.render("234153891"); // --></script> <center>100% 2012-02</center> -
Javascript Rendering Issue - Charts And Widgets
solarisfire replied to solarisfire's topic in Javascript Problems
Any Update? -
Javascript Rendering Issue - Charts And Widgets
solarisfire replied to solarisfire's topic in Javascript Problems
Thank you