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Everything posted by Hakan

  1. In my desktop application I show a FC chart in an IE Browser Control (setDataXML method with the XML hardcoded in the HTML). During development all files are loaded from local file system: The HTML file, js include files, chart swf file, image files and so on. The path to the files (in the HTML code) is "C:/Data/Utveckling/Dev/Siffersurfaren/res/". This works fine. When building the release version the load method is changed. All files are embedded as resources in a DLL file and then loaded from the DLL at runtime, both the HTML file and all other files reffered to in the HTML. In this case the path to the files in the HTML code is "res://C:ProgramEdisonEdison Ekonomi Byr
  2. Fail to load chart from DLL

    Sorry, a small typo in the code above. It should be: ......./RT_SS_XF/xf_FusionCharts_Line.swf....... It doesn't help to exclude the querystring parameters: myChart = new FusionCharts("res://C:ProgramEdisonEdison Ekonomi Byr
  3. Basically I've got a page with a chart rendering just fine (setDataXML method). On the page there's a link: <p onclick="javascript:change();">Change!</p> The function "change" uses setDataXML to update the chart. The XML used is a copy of the XML first rendered, but with some minor changes just to verify the update. When clicking the link i get an error: "Object doesn't support this property or method". It seems like FusionCharts isn't registered with JavaScript, because the function FCrendered on the page never executes: function FC_Rendered(DOMId) { alert ("Rendered!"); } The FC object is created with "1" as the last parameter. I've found several posts on this problem in this forum and on the internet, and I've tried all the tips and tricks, but nothing seems to help. I also found this in http://www.fusioncharts.com/forum/FindPost767.aspx: Is this true? I run my testpage locally, and that might be the problem. So, in that case, this means that you can't script FS at all in local HTML-pages? I need to use FS in an desktop application (with embedded IE browser control), basically loading the chart from local file system. I've only tested the page in IE 8 beta 1 in "Emulate IE7"-mode. Thanks for any advise. -- H