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Everything posted by gwdmedia

  1. Hi there, I'm trying to use fusion charts to dynamically update a chart on a page based on a dropdown. I'm having problems because getting the chart with its ID via getChartFromId() is returning null each time. The code I'm using is as follows: chartLoaded = false; function FC_Rendered(id) { if (id == 'chartId1') { chartLoaded = true; } } var dayChart = new FusionCharts("<?php echo $this->baseUrl (); ?>/fusion/Charts3/Charts/Column2D.swf", "ChartId1", "500", "200", "1", "1"); dayChart.setTransparent(false); dayChart.setDataURL("/network/revenue-chart-today/objectId/<?php echo $this->operator->getId ()?>/format/xml"); dayChart.render("chart"); function loadChart() { if (chartLoaded == false) { alert("Not yet"); return; } var thisChart = getChartFromId("chartId1"); thisChart.setDataURL("/network/revenue-chart-this-week/objectId/<?php echo $this->operator->getId ()?>/format/xml"); //console.log(thisChart); } No matter how long I wait, clicking the button with the onclick"javascript:loadChart()" always says "not yet". I can manually trip that status by calling FC_Rendered('chartId1') in firebug, and then I get an error that thisChart is null. I am testing this in firebox and I have fusion charts developer version 3.1.1. Many thanks, Maz
  2. Can't get FC_Rendered to fire

    While I'm waiting for a response I've tried another method and run into another problem. I'm creating the charts as separate named javascript variables and calling chart1.render('chartdiv') on each one. This works fine if I specify an absolute pixel width. If I specify a width of 100%, then the charts will not render after the 1st. No request is ever made to the xml data url. Maz