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About Joydev

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    Forum Newbie
  1. Is this possible to do with current code base.
  2. Hi, Generally the exported images of charts are saved under "war/{$ SAVEPATH}" (savepath is configured in Can I save the exported images outside of the war. I want to save it in suppose C:\ExportImages. Is this possible? Thanks, Joydev.
  3. Hi, I have solution for the Issue 2, Fusion chart has given the option to trigger the "save" at server side. This is solved, but the Issue 1 still exists, can you please help me out in solving the issue. Thanks, Joydev
  4. Hi, My client is already using Fusion Charts. As per the requirement we need to download an individual profile data (some text, example his name, education details etc). Along with the textual data we need to show the chart in the downloaded file as an image. We are using PowerChart to render the chart in website i.e, "DragNode.swf". Issue 1 Following the FusionChart documentation I was able to save the chart as an image in the server. But after successfully saving I am getting an error in response, it is not able to call the callback method. I am attaching the error message as an attachment. You can see the error, some property is missing ":null................" . Can you please help me out in solving the issue. Issue 2 The saving of the image is triggered on Right Click on chart and select the option "Save as JPEG Image". Generally I don't want user to trigger this operation. I would like to have a download button in the webpage, on click of this would initiate the save process. How can I trigger the save using javascript code. Thanks, Joydev