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About Roxxinger

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    Forum Newbie
  1. Multiple Charts on 1 Site

    but how? sry i am new to this, cant get it to work, could u pleas epost some first steps or an example? jan
  2. Multiple Charts on 1 Site

    hi im trying to get multiple charts on one page. at this time i read the data from a database and then plot all graphs in one chart. now how cann ic put each graph in one single chart. i started with the FusionCharts + JavaScript (AJAX) Integration example. //In this example, we'll show you how to plot and update charts on the //client side. Here, we first store our data (to be plotted) in client side //JavaScript arrays. This data is hard-coded in this example. However, //in your applications, you can build this JavaScript arrays with live //data using server side scripting languages. Or, you can make AJAX calls //to get this data live. //We store all our data in an array data. It contains data for three Products //for 3 quarters. The first column of each array contains the product Name. //Thereafter 4 columns contain data for 4 quarters. var data = new Array(); //Data for each product data[0] = new Array("Product A",659400,465400,764500,650500); data[1] = new Array("Product B",546300,436500,546500,332500); data[2] = new Array("Product C",657600,564600,348600,436600); data[3] = new Array("Product D",436500,765700,453900,326400); //Flag indicating whether our chart has loaded var chartLoaded = false; /** * FC_Rendered method is invoked when the chart has completed rendering for the first time. * It's a pre-defined method name. * @param domId Dom ID of the chart object */ function FC_Rendered(domId){ //It is in this method that you can update chart's data using JS methods. //Check if this is the chart that we want to update if (domId=="chart1Id"){ //Yes - it is. //Enable the form now, as the chart has loaded this.document.productSelector.disabled = false; //Set chartLoaded flag to true chartLoaded = true; //Get reference to chart object using Dom ID var chartObj = getChartFromId(domId); //Update it's XML - set animate Flag to true chartObj.setDataXML(generateXML(true)); } return true; } /** * updateChart method is called, when user changes any of the checkboxes. * Here, we generate the XML data again and build the chart. * @param domId domId of the Chart */ function updateChart(domId){ //Update only if chart has loaded if (chartLoaded){ //Get reference to chart object using Dom ID var chartObj = getChartFromId(domId); //Update it's XML - set animate Flag from AnimateChart checkbox in form chartObj.setDataXML(generateXML(this.document.productSelector.AnimateChart.checked)); } } /** * generateXML method returns the XML data for the chart based on the * checkboxes which the user has checked. * @param animate Boolean value indicating to animate the chart. * @return XML Data for the entire chart. */ function generateXML(animate){ //Variable to store XML var strXML; // element //Added animation parameter based on animate parameter //Added value related attributes if show value is selected by the user strXML = ""; //Store and child elements strXML = strXML + ""; //Based on the products for which we've to generate data, generate XML strXML = (this.document.productSelector.ProductA.checked==true)?(strXML + getProductXML(0)): (strXML); strXML = (this.document.productSelector.ProductB.checked==true)?(strXML + getProductXML(1)): (strXML); strXML = (this.document.productSelector.ProductC.checked==true)?(strXML + getProductXML(2)): (strXML); strXML = (this.document.productSelector.ProductD.checked==true)?(strXML + getProductXML(3)): (strXML); //Close element; strXML = strXML + ""; //Return data return strXML; } /** * getProductXML method returns the and elements XML for * a particular product index (in data array). * @param productIndex Product index (in data array) * @return XML Data for the product. */ function getProductXML(productIndex){ var productXML; //Create element productXML = ""; //Create set elements for (var i=1; i<=4; i++){ productXML = productXML + ""; } //Close element productXML = productXML + ""; //Return return productXML; } FusionCharts "); chart1.render("chart1div"); now i need for every data array one chart on the site. is it possible? regards jan