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About jami

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    Junior Member
  1. Sumedh, Thanks for your reply.
  2. I wnat add an additional figure, and it can simultaneously display values. Can fushionchart achieve this effect?
  3. In server, it is ok. Thanks for your help.
  4. Hi, Your attached file can't work. I have use google chrome and ie to try, but it fail.
  5. Reload chart is ok in line chart, but it fail in Bubble chart. Any help is appreciated Thanks My code is as follow: <script type="text/javascript"> var chart = new FusionCharts("./FusionCharts/Bubble.swf", "ChartId", "470", "515", "0", "0"); chart.setXMLUrl(escape("volChart.php?stockid=<?php echo $_GET['stockid'];?>&date2=<?php echo $_GET['date2'];?>&brokerid=<?php echo $brokerid;?>")); chart.render("chartdiv"); function changeData(bid) { var oldChart = FusionCharts("myChartId"); oldChart.setXMLUrl("index_vol2dailychart.php?brokerid="+bid+"&stockid=<?php echo $_GET['stockid'];?>&date2=<?php echo $_GET['date2'];?>"); } </script> <input type="radio" name="radio" id="radio" value="radio" onclick="changeData(<?php echo "'". $row_rs_BS['brokerid'] . "'";?>);"/>
  6. for example: To show a star on $39.7 bar, how can I do it? Thanks.
  7. How To Set Y-Axis Space?

    It's ok. Thank you.
  8. How can I set y-axis space from the picture edge? Thanks.
  9. How To Reload Chart?

    I click a button to chang chart by javascript sending paramenter, but it fail. Is red word wrong? <script type="text/javascript"> function get_chart_type() { var oldChart = FusionCharts("myChartId"); var newChart = oldChart.clone({swfUrl:"./FusionCharts/MSColumn2D.swf", setXMLUrl:escape("BS.php?brokerid=1360&stockid=1101") }); newChart.render("chartContainer"); } </script> it is ok when initial loading. --------------------------- <body> -------------------------------------------- <div id="chartContainer">FusionCharts2 will load here!</div> <script type="text/javascript"> var myChart2 = new FusionCharts( "./FusionCharts/MSColumn2D.swf", "myChartId", "950", "300", "0", "0" ); myChart2.setXMLUrl(escape("BS.php?brokerid=1360&stockid=1101")); myChart2.render("chartContainer"); </script>
  10. As the attached picture, how can I make additional setting to do it? Thanks. the code as follow: <chart numPDivLines='5' caption='<?php echo $row_rs_stock['stockname'];?> (<?php echo $row_rs_stock['stockid'];?>)' PyAxisMinValue='<?php echo ($min-$step);?>' PyAxisMaxValue='<?php echo ($max+$step);?>' canvasBorderColor='DAE1E8' canvasBgColor='FFFFFF' bgColor='EEF2FB' adjustDiv='0' divLineColor='DAE1E8' decimalPrecision='2' numberPrefix='' showNames='1' bearBorderColor='000000' bearFillColor='000000' bullBorderColor='1F3165' bullFillColor='FF0000' baseFontColor='444C60' outCnvBaseFontColor='444C60' hoverCapBorderColor='DAE1E8' hoverCapBgColor='FFFFFF' rotateNames='0' PYAxisName='Price' VYAxisName='VOL' volumeHeightPercent='20' animation='0' showAboutMenuItem='0' >
  11. Don't Show Value On Marimekko Chart?

    It's ok. Thanks for your reply.
  12. As attached file, how to hide the value with red box on Marimekko chart? Thanks.
  13. Hi, The Y axis value of the fushioncharts as attached file1 is left. How to change to right as attached file2? Thanks.
  14. It's ok. Thanks for your help.