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Everything posted by commish22

  1. Looking For A Good Match...

    I am attempting to leverage one of the off the shelf Fusion graphs to mimic (as much as possible) a graph that we use currently. The graph can be found here:,450358,450686&stype=GENERAL&mCode=MORT&MTorAM=MORT. In searching through the suite of products, I was unable to find an exact match but I may be looking in the wrong place. This does not need to be exact, but we do need a product that supports: 1. Upper bound 2. Lower bound 3. Value between the upper and lower bound. This value should also be able to contain the words (Better than US National Rate, No Different than US National Rate, or Worse than US National Rate) 4. National average line indicator. This average would apply across multiple data sets. Does Fusion have something that can support these requirements? Thanks in advance for your assistance.
  2. Looking For A Good Match...

    Hi, Are you saying that setting lower bounds and upper bounds dynamically is not possible on the 2D chart? Or any chart? Our needs don't necessarily have to be in the same format as the 2D chart, so if any other format supports this feature, I would definitely want to know. Thanks for your help.
  3. Looking For A Good Match...

    Hi Sumedh, Based on your suggestion, we were able to specify the graph min and high values (0% to 40%) on a bar2d graph. However, the main functionality we wanted to retain from the original graph was the ability to specify three different values for each hospitals; lower bound, higher bound and actual values as depicted in the attachment below. After reading the bar2d Chart documentation, all we we are able to create is a bar that starts from the initial x axis, in this case 10%, to the actual value 17.1% in the attached Bayshore hospital example. Is there any way we can start from a dynamic lower bound and finish with a dynamic upper bound with 2D graph or any other comparable fusion chart. If so, would you be kind enough in creating a small prototype for us and also include a possible JSON data format that we can use an example? Thanks, You quick response is greatly appreciated.
  4. Looking For A Good Match...

    Thanks Sumedh! I'll let you know how it turns out or if I run into any other roadblocks. Thanks for taking the time to help me out.