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About Juri

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    Forum Newbie
  1. Fun With Msstackedcolumn2D

    Thanks very much for that guys, showSum worked instantly And oops to the extra showValues hehehe
  2. Hi there, New to the forum but been a FusionCharts user for a while in my place of work. I'm trying to use a Multi-series Stacked Column chart. The data is basically two sets of comparisons against each other - I'll attach a screenshot. The main problem I'm having is those numbers at the top. Yes I know each bar is 100%. I don't want you there numbers! I've tried plopping showValues tags pretty much everywhere and I'm starting to wonder - can these values actually be got rid of? As the only example of this type of chart I've seen has these included. I'll copy paste the rough XML I'm using: - <chart caption='Data Tested' numbersuffix='%25' showLegend='1' legendPosition='BOTTOM' yAxisName='Percent' xAxisName='Months' showBorder='0' useRoundEdges='1' bgColor='FFFFFF' slantLabels='1' rotateLabels='1' yAxisMinValue='0' yAxisMaxValue='100' > <categories> <category label='Jan' /> <category label='Feb' /> <category label='Mar' /> <category label='Apr' /> <category label='May' /> <category label='Jun' /> <category label='Jul' /> <category label='Aug' /> <category label='Sep' /> <category label='Oct' /> <category label='Nov' /> <category label='Dec' /> </categories> <dataset> <dataset color='550000' showValues='0' seriesName='Percent Invalid Next Service Dates' showValues='1' > insert data here </dataset> <dataset color='77ffcc' showValues='0' seriesName='Percent Valid Next Service Dates' showValues='1'> insert data here </dataset> </dataset> <dataset> <dataset color='FF5555' showValues='0' seriesName='Percent Invalid Next MOT Dates' showValues='1'> insert data here </dataset> <dataset color='004e04' showValues='0' seriesName='Percent Valid Next MOT Dates' showValues='1'> insert data here </dataset> </dataset> </chart> Any help much appreciated, I'll have to have a look around see if theres anything I can help with!