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Everything posted by Juri

  1. Hi there, New to the forum but been a FusionCharts user for a while in my place of work. I'm trying to use a Multi-series Stacked Column chart. The data is basically two sets of comparisons against each other - I'll attach a screenshot. The main problem I'm having is those numbers at the top. Yes I know each bar is 100%. I don't want you there numbers! I've tried plopping showValues tags pretty much everywhere and I'm starting to wonder - can these values actually be got rid of? As the only example of this type of chart I've seen has these included. I'll copy paste the rough XML I'm using: - <chart caption='Data Tested' numbersuffix='%25' showLegend='1' legendPosition='BOTTOM' yAxisName='Percent' xAxisName='Months' showBorder='0' useRoundEdges='1' bgColor='FFFFFF' slantLabels='1' rotateLabels='1' yAxisMinValue='0' yAxisMaxValue='100' > <categories> <category label='Jan' /> <category label='Feb' /> <category label='Mar' /> <category label='Apr' /> <category label='May' /> <category label='Jun' /> <category label='Jul' /> <category label='Aug' /> <category label='Sep' /> <category label='Oct' /> <category label='Nov' /> <category label='Dec' /> </categories> <dataset> <dataset color='550000' showValues='0' seriesName='Percent Invalid Next Service Dates' showValues='1' > insert data here </dataset> <dataset color='77ffcc' showValues='0' seriesName='Percent Valid Next Service Dates' showValues='1'> insert data here </dataset> </dataset> <dataset> <dataset color='FF5555' showValues='0' seriesName='Percent Invalid Next MOT Dates' showValues='1'> insert data here </dataset> <dataset color='004e04' showValues='0' seriesName='Percent Valid Next MOT Dates' showValues='1'> insert data here </dataset> </dataset> </chart> Any help much appreciated, I'll have to have a look around see if theres anything I can help with!
  2. Fun With Msstackedcolumn2D

    Thanks very much for that guys, showSum worked instantly And oops to the extra showValues hehehe