Hi, is it possible to have a column in a stacked column chart with both negative and positive values
Surely the answer to this is no, but thought id ask anyway.
Hi I'm currently awaiting a patent application to go through, so I can't post the website onto a server yet. I'll have to come back and ask again when I have a beta version ready.
I've currently got a setup whereby the flash graphs being displayed are dependant on user input. ie. the user checks a certain box which then updates the graph. It works great, the only exception being that sometimes when the page loads (in internet explorer) it comes up with the message 'This page contains activex controls that are marked unsafe, do you want to continue loading the page - yes/no'.
Now i'm assuming what is happening here is that the browser recognizes that the user input is being fed into the flash chart (chart is updated dynamically) and that the flash chart movie (ie. MSColumn3D.swf) is being published with access to the server. So this could potentially be unsafe (ie. this type of setup could *potentially* be used by a website to maliciously transmit information about the users input to a server, and is thus deemed 'unsafe').
So my question is:
>> Can the flash chart movie be published to access the client instead of the server (if I remember correctly, when publishing flash movie files you have to specify that the movie can access EITHER server or client - not both)
>> Has anyone else encountered this problem?
Apologies for the long post. Thanks.