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Everything posted by nrm_403

  1. Hi, I need to display 4 charts in a page with each having data for 52 weeks. Please find the below results in following browsers:- Mozilla - Data loads in 4-5 seconds Chrome - Data loads in 5-6 seconds IE 7&8 - After 60 seconds, getting error that script running for too long. Why is it taking so much time in IE? I tried with both XML and JSON objects. This is a blocking issue as far our application is concerned as our users mainly use IE. Can you please suggests, how to fix this? I've attached my code for your reference. a.xml performancecheck.html
  2. Fusion Charts Supports Flash Charts (.swf) and Javascript charts. For JS charts you need to set the renderer as Javascript (FusionCharts.setCurrentRenderer('javascript') For more details You can read more about Fusion Charts at
  3. Chart Performance Issue In Ie

    Hi , I'm using JavaScript charts only. I'm not using Flash charts at all. Yes, 4 JS charts with 52 weeks data is not getting loaded in IE 7&8. It simply throws script running for too long error. It works well for rest of the browsers as all the charts get loaded in 4-6s!!!! Our concern arises because most of our users will be working on IE8. Thanks for your time!!!!!
  4. Chart Performance Issue In Ie

    I downloaded the latest version available. Still in IE7&8 I'm getting the Stop the Script issue. But in IE9 - It loads in 6.87 s. Do you have any other solution for IE 7 & 8
  5. Chart Performance Issue In Ie

    I'm using the below version ========================================================================= Current Version:FusionCharts XT (v3.2.2) Service Release 2 (Released on 25th January, 2012) ========================================================================= Version.txt