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About raviborra

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    Forum Newbie
  1. Hi, We are using fusion charts version 3.2.1 with "site license". If we want to upgrade to the latest version of the fusion charts, is it free or do we need to buy a fresh license? Please get back to me. Thanks, Ravi.
  2. Hi, We are using 3.2.1 release site license, the above code doesn't work. I tried both of them. I am wondering how come it is working seemlessly in IE9 and why not Firefix and Chrome, BTW it is IE 9, chrome 17.0.963.83 m and FireFox 11 version. Thanks, Ravi.
  3. Hi, I am frustrated with one bug, I have function call var chartObj = getChartFromId(id);. below code in FusionCharts.js file perfectly works IE but not in Firefox and Chrome. In case of Chrome and Firefox it returns null(chartObj is null), but in case of IE it is chart object and I can use setDataXML to change chart XML. window.getChartFromId = function (a) { return f.core.items[a] instanceof f.core ? f.core.items[a].ref : f.swfobject.getObjectById(a) }; function getObjectById(a) { var r = null; var o = getElementById(a); if (o && o.nodeName == "OBJECT") { if (typeof o.SetVariable != w) { r = o } else { var n = o.getElementsByTagName(OBJECT)[0]; if (n) { r = n } } } return r } Please help me. Thanks & Regards, Ravi.
  4. Hi, I am frustrated with one bug, I have function call var chartObj = getChartFromId(id);. below code in FusionCharts.js file perfectly works IE but not in Firefox and Chrome. In case of Chrome and Firefox it returns null(chartObj is null), but in case of IE it is chart object and I can use setDataXML to change chart XML. window.getChartFromId = function (a) { return f.core.items[a] instanceof f.core ? f.core.items[a].ref : f.swfobject.getObjectById(a) }; function getObjectById(a) { var r = null; var o = getElementById(a); if (o && o.nodeName == "OBJECT") { if (typeof o.SetVariable != w) { r = o } else { var n = o.getElementsByTagName(OBJECT)[0]; if (n) { r = n } } } return r } Please help me. Thanks & Regards, Ravi.