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Everything posted by adigaonline

  1. Map Legend

    Hi, I am using the Fusion Map for plotting the region baased data. My MAP area shows the legends used for shading various region. Since there are more legends, I am getting a scroll bar which I don't want. Instead, I want to pick every 5thor 10th value and make it appear in the legend. Can I have such control so that I can tell the Fusion Map which color mapping to be included in the Legend box? Thanks -Prem
  2. Legend As Continous Stip

    Hi, I am using the Fusion Map for plotting the region based data. My MAP area shows the legends used for shading various region. I want the legend to shown the colors continuosly ( similar to the attached image). The idea that I am trying to bring is to make the Business user see the color transition (as it appears continously) instead asseperate boxes appearing in the legend area. -Prem
  3. Hi, I have problem with Fushion charts. please help me to resolve this issue. Im using fusion charts(line), and im also using jquery datepicker for selecting two different date ranges. when i select dates, the date picker comes properly when there is no data in chart display. (please find attached nodata inchart.jpg file) the problem is when data is displayed in chart, and when i try to change the date using date picker, the chart data is coming on top of calendar picker which i dont want to happen. (please find attached Fusioncharts_JqueryCalender.jpg file). Is it the problem with date picker or fusion charts??? Kindly let me know how to fix this issue.. please do help. thanks, Adiga
  4. thanks for reply...its working now.
  5. Hi, Where do i need to set this z-index, i mean which file?? Thanks, Adiga
  6. Hi, I did tried the same, it did not helped me. script = "<script type=\"text/javascript\"> var dataString = '" + dataXML + "';FusionCharts.setCurrentRenderer('javascript');var chart = FusionCharts.items[\"ChartId\"]; if(chart == null){ chart = new FusionCharts('Line', \"ChartId\", \"450\", \"300\", \"0\", \"0\");} chart.setXMLData(dataString); chart.setTransparent(true); chart.render(\"chartdiv\");</script>";