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Everything posted by sefutz

  1. Hello, I am trying to build a ScrollLine2D chart that has x labels as: 3,4,12 and y values as : 20,40, 60 As you can see the labels 3, 4, 7,12 are not proportionate, meaning that you should have 3 units for 3, another unit for 4 and 3 more for 7. All the labels have the same distance between each other. chartData = new ArrayCollection(); var obj:Object; var totalCnt:int = 0; //put the X labels for each(item in graphArr){ obj = new Object(); if(item.count > 0){ totalCnt += item.count; obj.label = totalCnt; chartData.addItem(obj); } } chartParams = new ArrayCollection([ {bgAlpha: '0'}, {canvasBgAlpha: '0'}, {showValues: "0"}, {yAxisMinValue:'0'}, {yAxisMaxValue:maxValue}, {formatNumberScale:"1"}, {divLineDecimalPrecision:"1"}, {labelStep:'1'}, {yAxisName: "% Correct"}, {xAxisName: "# of Students"}, {plotGradientColor: ''}, {plotSpacePercent: '40'} ]); chart = new FusionCharts(); chart.width = this.width * 0.9; chart.height = this.height * 0.7; chart.FCChartType = "ScrollLine2D"; chart.FCFolder = "fusioncharts"; chartContainer.removeAllElements(); chartContainer.addElement(chart); chart.FCData(chartData); chart.FCParams(chartParams); chart.FCRender();