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About afeiraul

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    Forum Newbie
  1. Link Attribute In Getxmldata

    I'm very appreicate for the reply. there is another problem exist: i cant get the new coordinate of node when the user update the position. The testing step is: 1. I create a new chart from DB data, the position is random, and set the js function for every node; 2. The user change the position of the node, and click the save button, I will use chartObj.getXMLData() to get the new xml string and save it to file; 3. when the user access the chart again, I will get the data from file first and render the xml string to chart, then the user will see the chart he want. Now my js function must work when the user click the node; the problem is: 1. when i use chartObj.getXMLData() I cant get my js link function from chart; 2. when i use chartObj.getXMLData(false) i cant get new coordinate of the node; how can i get them all? This problem bock me now, I'm waiting for the reply. Thanks very much!
  2. Link Attribute In Getxmldata

    who can help me?
  3. I am testing the dragnode, my xml file like this <set x='400' y='600' width='60' height='20' color='FE3233' name='aaa' alpha='100' toolText='aaa' id='1' link='j-myJS-1'/> but when i use getXMLData() to get the new xml info, i get <set id='1' x='400' y='600' name='aaa' height='20' width='60' shape='RECTANGLE' toolText='aaa' id='1' color='FE3233' /> where is the "link" attribute? how can i get it back? (I test getXMLData(), getXMLData(true), getXMLData(false), none of them is right)