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About Anna

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    Junior Member
  • Birthday 04/23/1989

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  1. Pie Chart: Labels Are Cut Off

    Hi, If 'manageLabelOverflow' attribute works in column or line charts... I need this functionality in column charts.. Regards, Anna
  2. Hi, Can we set the loading order in multiseries chart? For eg. if we're plotting a monthly sales comparison chart for 2 successive years, the first dataset will contain the data for first year and the next one for the second year. Then i want to load first year firstly and after loading that i want to load second year's data. Is it possible?
  3. Interactivelegend

    Hi, I updated the fusioncharts.js file flash file.. Its working now. Thanks a lot... Regards, Anna
  4. Interactivelegend

    Hi, XML code <graph caption='Yearly Occupancy Analysis' xAxisName='Month' yAxisName='Occupancy' labelDisplay='Rotate' slantLabels='1' interactiveLegend='1' showvalues='0' showNames='1' decimalPrecision='0' formatNumberScale='0'> <categories> <category name='APRIL '/> <category name='MAY '/> <category name='JUNE '/> <category name='JULY '/> <category name='AUGUST '/> <category name='SEPTEMBER'/> <category name='OCTOBER '/> <category name='NOVEMBER '/> <category name='DECEMBER '/> <category name='JANUARY '/> <category name='FEBRUARY '/> <category name='MARCH '/> </categories> <dataset seriesname='2011-2012' showValue='1'> <set value='0' /> <set value='0' /> <set value='0' /> <set value='0' /> <set value='0' /> <set value='0' /> <set value='0' /> <set value='0' /> <set value='0' /> <set value='69.79' /> <set value='70.73' /> <set value='53.89' /> </dataset> <dataset seriesname='2012-2013' showValue='1'> <set value='43.82' /> <set value='44.22' /> <set value='8.21' /> <set value='0' /> <set value='0' /> <set value='0' /> <set value='0' /> <set value='0' /> <set value='0' /> <set value='0' /> <set value='0' /> <set value='0' /> </dataset> </graph>
  5. Interactivelegend

    Hi, Actullay i don't know the version of fusionchart used. You mean all legend properties are supported starting Fusioncharts v3.2 or only interactiveLegend. Because 'legendAllowDrag' property is worked in my chart.
  6. Interactivelegend

    Hi, I am trying to get my fusion charts's legend to show the toggling effect for the data plotted.
  7. Hi, I am trying to make click effect on legends by interactiveLegend property set to 1. But its not working...Please help. Regards, Anna
  8. Hi Sumedh, There is one doubt in exporting fusion charts example. what is that link named 'Fusioncharts Trail' in flash file. Can we remove that link? Please reply..
  9. Hi Sumedh, Thank you so much....Code works fine.... Regards, Anna
  10. Export To Image

    Hi, I want to export fusion chart to image. I got the code in and it works fine. But i need a code could you please post FCExporter.aspx.vb file.. Regards,Anna
  11. Hi, I want to export fusion charts to images in server side.i tried it a lot. But it didn't work. I am using Please help me. Regards, Anna