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Everything posted by ggoforth

  1. We have a circumstance where we might have long labels for a given row in a chart. Ideally what we would like to happen would be able to specify how many characters to allow in the label with some setting in the chart object (we use JSON chart configs) and then show the full label on hover. currently, I can get flash charts to wrap long labels, but js charts seem to ignore the setting. My chart js code looks like: { chart: { caption: '', xaxisname: '', yaxisname: '', numberprefix: '', enableSmartLabels: 1, manageLabelOverflow: 1 }, categories: [...], //row names dataset: [...] } If limiting the label to some predefined length isn't possible, I would at least like to get the flash and js charts to behave the same, as we would prefer to use JS charts but can't get them to handle labels properly. Attached are two screenshots, one of a flash chart, and the same chart rendered in with javascript. Any ideas on this? Any setting I'm unaware of to limit the label length, but show the full label on hover? In javascript charts the hover looks just like the visible label, and there are no line breaks, so even the tooltip is mostly unreadable. Thanks for any help! EDIT: It may also be worth noting that when I use maxLabelWidthPercent: '35' (or something similar in the chart object, I get a javascript error. The error is: n is undefined http://localhost/s/support/fc/FusionCharts.HC.js Line 432
  2. Ok, new issue now using javascript charts. I'm on Ubuntu 11.10 os, using firefox 12. I have data objects that look like: data: [ {value: 12, link: 'j-foo'}, {value: 15, link: 'j-foo'}, {value: 18, link: 'j-foo'} ] When I render the charts with flash, and I click on any of the segments above, the callback is fired. Great. When I render with javascript, the click events do not fire. Any ideas why a javascript callback would not fire with a Javascript chart, but it will fire with a flash chart? My FusionCharts constructor looks like: var fusionChartConfig = { swfUrl: '/path/to/proper/swf.swf', width: '100%', debugMode: false, registerWithJS: true }; //render a chart instance of the given data this.chart = new FusionCharts(fusionChartConfig);
  3. Multiple Pies In One Chart

    I need to figure out how to do what I would consider a multi series pie chart. In our previous charting library (high charts) I was able to get multiple pies rendered to the same chart. Is the same possible with fusion charts? I'm attaching an image of our previous pie charts. The data would be formatted the same as any other multi series chart, but you would get one pie for each series.
  4. Multiple Pies In One Chart

    Maybe multi series isn't what I'm looking for. I don't think the Multi level pie chart is what I'm looking for either. Let me give you more of an example. Consider a survey where the questions were: q1) What is your gender? - male - female q2) what is your favorite color? - red - blue - green A typical usage for a pie chart might be to see the number of male vs female respondents. My use case is that I want to see favorite colors, broken down by male / female. In this case I would expect to see three pies (1 for each color), with the pies showing breakdown of male / female that chose that color. We have the data, I'm just unsure as to how to get fusion charts to render multiple pies in one chart.