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Everything posted by sanjaysutar

  1. Hi, I am using Scatter.swf to show scatter charts for around 8000 * 8 data points. So in all I have 8 DataSeries to plot, each containing 8000+ data points. When i run the page, I get IE error saying that the script in the movie is running too slow. I have added the screenshot for reference.
  2. Zoomline Chart Plotting

    Hi, I am using zoomline chart to plot large number of data points (8000+). I have 8 data series. Now I have 2 questions: 1. how to plot point with x and y value. In the sample you have mentioned data points to be separated by | <dataset seriesname="2006">27400|29800|25800|26800|29600|32600|31800|36700|29700|31900|34800|24800</dataset> <dataset seriesname="2005">10000|11500|12500|15000|11000|9800|11800|19700|21700|21900|22900|20800</dataset> I was wondering how to write <set y='2.4' x='21' /> into x | y | x | y format. 2. What are categories ? <categories>Jan|Feb|Mar|Apr|May|Jun|Jul|Aug|Sep|Oct|Nov|Dec</categories> The above category comes as scale of X axis. What if my series contains points whose x value is in the range of 0 to 2000, and I want to show X axis scale from 0 to 2000 with interval of 500 ?
  3. Zoomline Chart Plotting

    Hi Sashibhusan, Thanks for the response. Now I am concerned about the X-Axis scaling. Since Fusion charts does not have this feature. So how can i have points plotted on the basis of x and y co-ordinates ????
  4. Zoomline Chart Plotting

    Hi, In documentation it is mentioned that the format that you specified would take longer time to parse, since i have around 60000+ points to plot. So i was trying to do it in x1|x2|x3........ format, which is faster to parse large amount of data points.
  5. Hi, I am using zoomline chart. My requirement is to highlight particular region using rectangles drawn on the basis of X and Y co-ordinates. The feature sample shows custom drawing But I want the regions to be drawn programatically the way i want while the chart is getting rendered. Similar to this Is there any way to draw such regions on the chart ??
  6. Scatter Charts Too Slow And Showing Error Popup In Ie

    Thanks Swarnam. Few more queries around Zoomline chart : Zoom in /out feature Visual selection of data as shown here 3D rotation as shown here
  7. Scatter Charts Too Slow And Showing Error Popup In Ie

    Thanks for the reply. Please suggest any chart type which can support such large data points. Zoomline chart supports such large datasets, but I want to show PointChart, showing points and not lines along with points (what zoomline chart does)
  8. Chart Not Rendering Solution

    Hi, Just to inform everyone, who is facing issue with charts. I found one problem today with the way script tag is added to .aspx page. <script type="text/javascript" src="../../FusionCharts/FusionCharts.js"></script> (works perfectly) <script type="text/javascript" src="../../FusionCharts/FusionCharts.js" /> (does not work) I spent 3 hours scratching my head and finally got it fixed.
  9. Rendering Chart In Mvc

    Hi, I am using Asp.Net MVC 3 with Razor views In a View (aspx page) if I use <h2><%= ViewData["Message"] %></h2> it renders a chart properly In Razor View (cshtml page), I am using <h2>@ViewData["Message"]</h2>, which is not rendering chart but the string data for chart Any help would be appreciated. Thanks, Sanjay
  10. Rendering Chart In Mvc

    Hi, The problem has been fixed. Instead of @ViewData["Message"], I have to use @Html.Raw(ViewData["Message"]).