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Everything posted by cwhistler

  1. I would like to completely remove the alternate row coloring in the SSGrid component. I have tried setting several configuration options. If I set the alternateRowBgColor to white then this just makes the alternate rows a darker shade of grey. var invgrid = new FusionCharts("SSGrid.swf"/>", "gridID", "100%", "100%", "0", "1"); invgrid.setDataURL("/gridData"); invgrid.configure("bgColor", "white"); invgrid.configure("alternateRowBgColor", "white"); invgrid.render("grid"); I tried adding invgrid.configure("showAlternateHGridColor", "0"); to the list even though it is not listed as an option, but it doesn't help. I've set the alternateRowBgAlpha to either 0 or 100 and it makes no difference. Any suggestions? Found the issue, have to use FFFFFF instead of white