I ran across this error message, so I figured I'd log my solution here in the off chance that it helps someone fix their problem.
Original Error Message:
Uncaught RuntimeException: #25081850 chartObjectId-1::RendererManager Error >> There was an error rendering the chart. Enable FusionCharts JS debugMode for more information.
So I ended up enabling js debugMode with the below lines of code:
New Error Message:
Uncaught TypeError: Illegal invocation
This gave me no direction. I began throwing debug statements all over the place, and stepped through the code until I decided I would be unable to track down the bug this way.
What I did to find the fix:
I began playing with the values I was passing in to FusionCharts.
1 - Checked to make sure my JSON data object was being converted to the correct xml format
2 - Made sure the file path to the .swf file was correct
3 - Checked that the height & width properties I was passing in was not causing the code to break.
The Solution
Turns out I was passing in a 0 height and 0 width for the chart size which was breaking the rendering of the chart. I had some code that was automatically determining what size the chart should be, and it was coming up with 0x0. I manually plugged in 100x100 and everything started working.