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Everything posted by karl

  1. Area Chart With Anchors

    According to the documentation: "Each data point in a line/spline/area chart is represented by an anchor." But try as I might, I cannot get the anchors to show up on the "MSArea.swf". Is it possible to show anchors on the 3D Area chart?
  2. I am using MSColumn2D.swf for my chart and I need to do a couple of more things in order to satisfy my requirements. Here is an image of my chart currently: . Please let me know how to accomplish each item: 1) Each value shown ($110k, $120, $30K, $60K) needs to be in the same color as its corresponding bar. For example, $60K and $120K need need to be in the green color and $110K and $30K need to be in the blue color. 2) I need to put 10 pixels of spacing between each pair of bars. For example, the two bars for "A - TEST GROUP 1 x 1.0" need to have 10 pixels of space separating them. 3) I need to be able to make the letter in the labels be bold and the rest of the text not bold. For example, in "A - TEST GROUP 1 X 1.0" , "A" would be bold and the rest of the text would be normal font-weight. Thank you for your assistance!
  3. Styling Questions On My Chart

    Also, can you tell me how to get the second label from being within the bar ? It should appear above it.
  4. We have the following setting: FusionCharts.setCurrentRenderer('javascript'); I now want one particular chart to be in Flash. What is the best way to accomplish this? I tried setting FusionCharts.setCurrentRenderer('flash'); right before it, but no luck.