Hi Sashibhusan,
the crashing chart is a gantt chart with rougly 10 categories, 20 to 30 processes and 300 datapoints per process. The processes are agents in a callcenter and the categories are hours of day e.g. 15:00-16:00 to visulize at what time an agent is on the phone and off the phone. Gantt chart was the closes match we could find for this. Our customer wants to be able to mail this html report as an attachment.
We use linux and php mostly. Is there a way to force html5 rendering (without adobe flash) for gantt charts ? Then pdf exports might work.
Pdf generation of html is not an unusual requirement and to implement that server side jpeg generation should be supported by fusion charts. I believe I read in another post that you support this for .net or java. Is that right ?
Thank you,