In my case FusionCharts are installed on the server, I dont know which version unless I ask them but I believe it is a bit older. My problem is I want to change label orientation in x-axis to vertical. I tried
but it did not work.
I am guessing, they are using an older version and this attribute was not supported then? When I look at the XML file, it is generated in this form
<graph caption='caption' xAxisName="Months" ..>
<set name='January' value='100'>
<set name='Febraury' value='200'>
When I change it to this form, as is given in various examples, change graph to chart and name to label, it does not work
<chart caption='caption' xAxisName="Months" ..>
<set label='January' value='100'>
<set label='Febraury' value='200'>
If I change the graph to chart graph is not displayed. I did change `name` to `label` labels do not shown. Is there an attribute in this older version where I can set x-axis label orientation to vertical. I basically want my x-axis labels to run upwards.