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Everything posted by Darkfish

  1. Hi, I curently have a problem with the getXMLData() or maybe I don't use it properly ! var myChart = new FusionCharts( "includes/powercharts/Charts/DragNode.swf", "myChartId", width, height, "0", "1" ); myChart.setXMLData(xml); myChart.render(myDiv); Then, users are allowed to modify nodes in the chart, and save it. To do this, i just insert this code on the onclick event of an html button alert(myChart.getXmlData()) The xml i get, is the original xml, not the updated xml ! Can you help me on this subject ? Thx
  2. Getxmldata() Not Working

    Hi, Thanks a lot for your help. I'll waiting for this release !
  3. Getxmldata() Not Working

    Hi Bindhu, Thanks for your help, but i'm afraid it's not working. The XML I get with your method is always the original XML ... Maybe the powercharts version I use doesn't support this feature. It's the v3.2.1 (Released on 14th January 2011)