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Everything posted by AndyF

  1. It looks like we solved our problem (looks like it was related to a problem inside the iframe's parent window / html).
  2. It looks like I'm having a similar problem to Venkat above (and from what I can tell, the Frames link immediately above refers to allowing links to appear in other frames, as opposed to rendering the actual charts in iFrames). I have some HTML that is responsible for responding to clicks, displaying charts, and this HTML is displayed inside another page's iFrame (the iframe's id is "iframeID"), e.g. <body> <div id="mydiv"> Chart Placement </div> <div id="mydiviframe" onclick="document.getElementById('iframeID').contentWindow.showChart();"> Click here for chart </div> <script type='text/javascript'> function showChart() { myChart = new FusionCharts( '/fusioncharts/Charts/Column3D.swf', 'myChartID', '300', '150', '1', '1' ); myChart.setXMLUrl('/scripts/chart/dashboard/iframeChartTest.xml'); myChart.render(document.getElementById("mydiv")); } </script> If the "showChart()" function above is called when the page is initially rendered (e.g. by calling "showChart()" from an onLoad event), it renders ok. However, if I instead wait to render later (e.g. using the above "onClick" event), the FusionChart code appears to execute ok, but the chart never appears on screen. Any ideas on this? Thanks