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Everything posted by StarCityGames

  1. Plotting Via Timestamp?

    I have a sales-tracking module I'd like to use with FusionCharts that reports price changes, which happen at random intervals. So we can't say for certain when the next data point will be - one change could be on June 1st, then the next on June 3rd, then June 7th, and so on. What I'd like to do would be to pass the UNIX timestamp as a label to FusionCharts and have it know how to space the dates automatically so that, say, even if the two datapoints are next to each other, it will put in spacing to ensure that 6/3, 6/12, and 6/30 aren't equally spaced. And then would preferably group the data via vertical lines to visually group by month - so the X-axis would be grouped by June/July/August, and the data points would be strung along that axis depending on how far along they are. As it stands, all the documentation uses "June" and "July," without any sort of scattering. I saw a post saying this couldn't be done in FusionCharts... but that was in 09 and I'm hoping that functionality has been added, through. (Unfortunately, the closest thing I can find in the documentation is "plotting discontinuous data," which isn't the same thing.) Thanks! T.F. Webmaster