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About Neverguesswho
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I have another question. I had to change the rendering type from javascript to flash and now when I try to export/save I right click and select the format. It does its little loading animation then nothing happens. If I render it in javascript then the export works fine.. So my code is the exact same minus changing the SETRenderer(). Any ideas?
I followed your directions and I still got the messed up message.... So I decided to try to create a new page with the exact same ASP and it works!!! I am guessing it was something with my html that was messed up. Also I was able to get it working on another chart just by enabling the export under <chart> and I didn't even include the exportjs or swf(just thought i'd mention that). Anyways thanks again for the help!!!!!!
<%@ Language=VBScript %> <!-- #INCLUDE file="FusionCharts.asp" --> <!-- #INCLUDE file="DBConn2.asp" --> <!-- #INCLUDE file="header2.asp" --> <!-- #INCLUDE file="hours.asp" --> <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> <title>BPC</title> <link href="../assets/ui/css/style.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" /> <script type="text/javascript" src="jquery.min.js"></script> <style type="text/css"> body,html,head,div{height:100%; min-height:100%;width:100%; } </style> <script LANGUAGE="Javascript" SRC="FusionCharts.js"></SCRIPT> </head> <body bgcolor='#FFFFFF'> <table id="PgHead" width="98%" align="center" style="margin-bottom:7px;border-bottom:1px solid #AFAFA4; bgcolor:#000000"> <tbody> <tr> <td width="20%" align="left" style="color:#475B8F;font-family:'Arial Rounded MT Bold',arial;font-size:14pt;"></td> <td class="NoPrint" width="45%" align="right" style="color:#4D4D5F;font-family:arial;font-size:14pt;"> <a href="../ListRecord.asp?theFormID=96">Back</a> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <div id="MainContainer"> <table class="grid1" width="100%"> <tbody> <tr> <td style="height= 350%; background-color:#F6F5E6;vertical-align:top;" align="center"> <div id="chartdiv1" align="center"></div> </br></br></br> <% Dim subjectCode,subjectID,treatmentCode,baseline,count, motherID,x Dim FC,strQuery,strCategory, strValueMax, strValueMin,strValueTreat,upper, lower Dim maxFirstNum,maxSecondNum,minFirstNum,minSecondNum,fQuarter,sQuarter,tQuarter,increment subjectCode = Request.QueryString("subjectCode") Response.Write("Subject Code: " & subjectCode & "<br />") Set oConn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") Set oRs = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") oConn.Open strConnQuery strQuery="Select z.ID as totOutput, d.zTreatmentCode as totOutput2 from vSubjectDemographics d, zSubject z where z.zsubjectCode = d.zSubjectCode AND z.zSubjectCode = "&subjectCode&" "'get treatment and subjectID Set oRs = oConn.Execute(strQuery) if oRS.EOF OR oRs.BOF then %><h2>I am sorry but there is no record for that subject</h2> <% else subjectid = oRs("totOutput") treatmentCode = oRs("totOutput2") if treatmentCode=1 then 'figure out upper/lower bound of BP from treatment upper=140 lower=110 else upper=180 lower=141 end if strQuery="Select ID as mother from F05 where zsubjectID = "&subjectID&" " set oRs = oConn.Execute(strQuery) if oRS.EOF OR oRs.BOF then for q = 0 to 10 response.write("<br>") Next %> <h2>I am sorry but there is no data for that subject</h2> <% for q = 0 to 20 response.write("<br>") Next else motherID = oRs("mother") strQuery= "Select count(ID) as totOutput from F05C where MotherRecID = "&motherID&" "'get number of hours assessed set oRs = oConn.Execute(strQuery) count = oRs("totOutput") 'exportFormats='PDF=Export as PDF|JPG=Export as JPG' x=0 strCategory = "<chart caption = 'Blood Pressure with Treatment' PYAxisName ='Minimum Systikuc Blood Pressure (mmHg)' SYAxisName = 'Maximum Dose of Nicardiphine (mg/hr)' showYAxisValues='0' rotatelabels='0' showToolTip='1' showNames='1' showlabels='1' exportEnabled='1' exportAtClient='1' exportHandler='fcExporter1' > <categories> <category label = 'Base' />" strCategory = strCategory + "<category label = '"&hours(0)&"' showlabels='1' />" strCategory = strCategory + "<category label = '"&hours(1)&"' showlabels='1'/>" strCategory = strCategory + "<category label = '"&hours(2)&"' showlabels='1'/>" strCategory = strCategory + "<category label = '"&hours(3)&"' /> <vLine color='FF5904' Label='First Hour' />" strValueMax = "<dataset seriesName = 'Max SBP' parentYAxis = 'P' renderAs='Line' showValues='0' > <set value = '0' />" strValueMin = "<dataset seriesName = 'Min SBP' parentYAxis = 'P' renderAs='Line' showValues='0' > <set value = '0' />" strValueTreat = "<dataset seriesName = 'NICARDIPINE' parentYAxis = 'S' renderAs='Line' dashed='1'> <set value = '0' />" min=0 max=0 minFirstNum=0 maxFirstNum=0 reatFirstNum=0 while x < count if x > 3 then strCategory = strCategory + "<category label = '' />" strCategory = strCategory + "<category label=' ' />" strCategory = strCategory + "<category label=''/>" strCategory = strCategory + "<category label='"&hours(x)& "' />" end if if min=max Then MinimumDashed=1 else MinimumDashed=0 end if strQuery= "Select QB as Max, QC as Min, QG as Treatment fromF05C where OrderNb = "&x+1&" AND MotherRecID = "&motherID&" " ' get max,min,treatment set oRs = oConn.Execute(strQuery) min = oRs("Min") max = oRs("Max") treatinfo=oRs("Treatment") minSecondNum=min maxSecondNum=max treatSecondNum=treatinfo if x>3 then increment=(minSecondNum-minFirstNum)/4 fQuarter=minFirstNum+increment sQuarter=fQuarter+increment tQuarter=sQuarter+increment strValueMin = strValueMin + "<set value = '"&fQuarter&"' anchorRadius='0' tooltext=' '/>" strValueMin = strValueMin + "<set value = '"&sQuarter&"' anchorRadius='0' tooltext=' '/>" strValueMin = strValueMin + "<set value = '"&tQuarter&"' anchorRadius='0' tooltext=' '/>" increment=(maxSecondNum-maxFirstNum)/4 fQuarter=maxFirstNum+increment sQuarter=fQuarter+increment tQuarter=sQuarter+increment strValueMax = strValueMax + "<set value = '"&fQuarter&"' anchorRadius='0' toolText=' '/>" strValueMax = strValueMax + "<set value = '"&sQuarter&"' anchorRadius='0' toolText=' '/>" strValueMax = strValueMax + "<set value = '"&tQuarter&"' anchorRadius='0' toolText=' '/>" increment=(treatSecondNum-treatFirstNum)/4 fQuarter=treatFirstNum+increment sQuarter=fQuarter+increment tQuarter=sQuarter+increment strValuetreat = strValuetreat + "<set value = '"&fQuarter&"' showvalue='0' anchorRadius='0' toolText=' '/>" strValuetreat = strValuetreat + "<set value = '"&sQuarter&"' showvalue='0' anchorRadius='0' toolText=' '/>" strValuetreat = strValuetreat + "<set value = '"&tQuarter&"' showvalue='0' anchorRadius='0' toolText=' '/>" end if strValueMin = strValueMin + "<set value = '"&oRs("Min")&"' toolText='Min SBP, Hour:"&hours(x)&"'/>" strValueMax = strValueMax + "<set value = '"&oRs("Max")&"' toolText='Max SBP, Hour:"&hours(x)&"' />" strValueTreat = strValueTreat + "<set value = '"&oRs("Treatment")&"' toolText='Hour:"&hours(x)&"' />" x=x+1 minFirstNum=minSecondNum maxFirstNum=maxSecondNum treatFirstNum=treatSecondNum wend strCategory = strCategory + "</categories>" strValueMax = strValueMax + "</dataset>" strValueMin = strValueMin + "</dataset>" strValueTreat = strValueTreat + "</dataset> <trendLines> <line startvalue= '"&upper&"' color = '' displayvalue='Upper SBP Bound'/> <line startvalue= '"&lower&"' color = '' displayvalue='Lower SBP Bound'/> </trendLines></chart>" Set oRs = Nothing strCategory = strCategory + strValueMax + strValueMin + strValueTreat response.Write(strCategory) Call FC_SetRenderer("javascript") Call renderChart("MSCombiDY2D.swf","", strCategory,"BloodPressure",1300,650,"1","1") oConn.Close end if end if %> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> <%call PageFooter()%> </body> </html>
Fusioncharts XT-asp
So I am trying to enable the exporting feature. It allows me to download it as a jpeg or png. I want to get it to do pdf also and I don't think it is supposed to look like this.<_<Any ideas? This is my code "<chart caption = Export Test' PYAxisName ='MSP' SYAxisName = 'MDN' showYAxisValues='0' rotatelabels='0' showToolTip='1' showNames='1' showlabels='1' exportEnabled='1' exportShowMenuItem='1' exportFormats='PDF' exportType='PNG=Export as High Quality Image;JPG;PDF=Export as PDF File' exportatclient='1' ExportFileName='TestFile'>
Ahhh such a simple problem! It works and thank you soooo much for your help!!!!
Wrong Number Of Arguments Or Invalid Property Assignment
Neverguesswho replied to Neverguesswho's topic in FusionCharts and ASP
I double check all of them and they are correct..... -
Wrong Number Of Arguments Or Invalid Property Assignment
Neverguesswho replied to Neverguesswho's topic in FusionCharts and ASP
I don't get this error anymore because I am using a different FusionCharts.asp file. Still the screen comes up blank with just a "Chart" text in the middle -
Wrong Number Of Arguments Or Invalid Property Assignment
Neverguesswho replied to Neverguesswho's topic in FusionCharts and ASP
Ok so this is the very end of my code strCategory = strCategory + "</categories>" strValueMax = strValueMax + "</dataset>" strValueMin = strValueMin + "</dataset>" strValueTreat = strValueTreat + "</dataset> <trendLines> <line startvalue= '"&upper&"' color = '' displayvalue='Upper SBP Bound'/> <line startvalue= '"&lower&"' color = '' displayvalue='Lower SBP Bound'/> </trendLines></chart>" Call FC_SetRenderer("Javascript")'this is what your telling me I should add Set oRs = Nothing strCategory = strCategory + strValueMax + strValueMin + strValueTreat response.Write(strCategory) Call renderChart("MSCombiDY2D.swf","", strCategory,"Blood Pressure",800,600) oConn.Close Then I get this error Error Category Microsoft VBScript runtime COM Error Number -2146828275 (0x800A000D) File Name /nett/TestFiles/ATACHII/BPChart.asp Line Number 131 Brief Description Type mismatch: 'FC_SetRenderer' Any suggestions? -
Wrong Number Of Arguments Or Invalid Property Assignment
Neverguesswho replied to Neverguesswho's topic in FusionCharts and ASP
so if I use the renderchart("line.swf","","strParam","chart1", 800,800) it will render it in javascript? -
Sure <%@ Language=VBScript %> <!-- #INCLUDE file="FusionCharts.asp" --> <!-- #INCLUDE file="DBConn2.asp" --> <html > <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> <title>Blood Pressure Chart</title> <link href="../assets/ui/css/style.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" /> <script type="text/javascript" src="jquery.min.js"></script> <style type="text/css"> body,html,head,div{height:100%; min-height:100%;width:100%; } </style> <script LANGUAGE="Javascript" SRC="ATACHII/FusionCharts.js"></SCRIPT> </head> <body> <div class="Blood Pressure"> <% Dim subjectCode,subjectID,treatmentCode,baseline,count, motherID,x Dim FC,strQuery,Hours(27),strCategory, strValueMax, strValueMin,strValueTreat,upper, lower hours(0) = ".25" hours(1) = ".5" hours(2) = ".75" hours(3) = "1" hours(4) = "2" hours(5) = "3" hours(6) = "4" hours(7) = "5" hours(8) = "6" hours(9) = "7" hours(10) = "8" hours(11) = "9" hours(12) = "10" hours(13) = "11" hours(14) = "12" hours(15) = "13" hours(16) = "14" hours(17) = "15" hours(18) = "16" hours(19) = "17" hours(20) = "18" hours(21) = "19" hours(22) = "20" hours(23) = "21" hours(24) = "22" hours(25) = "23" hours(26) = "24" subjectCode = Request.QueryString("subjectCode") Response.Write("Subject Code: " & subjectCode & "<br />") Set oConn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") Set oRs = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") oConn.Open strConnQuery strQuery="Select z.ID as totOutput, d.zTreatmentCode as totOutput2 from vSubjectDemographics] d, zSubject z where z.zsubjectCode = d.zSubjectCode AND z.zSubjectCode = "&subjectCode&" "'get treatment and subjectID Set oRs = oConn.Execute(strQuery) subjectid = oRs("totOutput") treatmentCode = oRs("totOutput2") if treatmentCode=1 then'figure out upper/lower bound of BP from treatment upper=140 lower=110 else upper=180 lower=141 end if strQuery="Select ID as mother from F05 where zsubjectID = "&subjectID&" " 'get baseline and motherFormID set oRs = oConn.Execute(strQuery) motherID = oRs("mother") strQuery= "Select count(ID) as totOutput from F05C where MotherRecID = "&motherID&" "'get number of hours assessed set oRs = oConn.Execute(strQuery) count = oRs("totOutput") x=0 strCategory = "<chart caption = 'Blood Pressure with Treatment' PYAxisName ='Minimum Systikuc Blood Pressure (mmHg)' SYAxisName = 'Maximum Dose of Nicardiphine (mg)' showYAxisValues='0'> <categories> <category label = 'Base' />" strCategory = strCategory + "<category label = '"&hours(0)&"' />" strCategory = strCategory + "<category label = '"&hours(1)&"' />" strCategory = strCategory + "<category label = '"&hours(2)&"' />" strCategory = strCategory + "<category label = '"&hours(3)&"' /> <vLine color='FF5904' Label='First Hour' />" strValueMax = "<dataset seriesName = 'Max SBP' parentYAxis = 'P' renderAs='Line'> <set value = '0' />" strValueMin = "<dataset seriesName = 'Min SBP' parentYAxis = 'P' renderAs='Line'> <set value = '0' />" strValueTreat = "<dataset seriesName = 'NICARDIPINE' parentYAxis = 'S' renderAs='Line'> <set value = '0' />" 'count = 6 while x < count if x > 3 then strCategory = strCategory + "<category label = '"&hours(x)&"' />" end if strQuery= "Select QB as Max, QC as Min, QG as Treatment from F05C where OrderNb = "&x+1&" AND MotherRecID = "&motherID&" " ' get max,min,treatment set oRs = oConn.Execute(strQuery) strValueMax = strValueMax + "<set value = '"&oRs("Max")&"' />" strValueMin = strValueMin + "<set value = '"&oRs("Min")&"' />" strValueTreat = strValueTreat + "<set value = '"&oRs("Treatment")&"' />" x=x+1 wend strCategory = strCategory + "</categories>" strValueMax = strValueMax + "</dataset>" strValueMin = strValueMin + "</dataset>" strValueTreat = strValueTreat + "</dataset> <trendLines> <line startvalue= '"&upper&"' color = '' displayvalue='Upper SBP Bound'/> <line startvalue= '"&lower&"' color = '' displayvalue='Lower SBP Bound'/> </trendLines></chart>" Set oRs = Nothing strCategory = strCategory + strValueMax + strValueMin + strValueTreat response.Write(strCategory) Call renderChart("MSCombiDY2D.swf","", strCategory,"Blood Pressure",800,600) oConn.Close %> </div> </body> </html>
Wrong Number Of Arguments Or Invalid Property Assignment
Neverguesswho replied to Neverguesswho's topic in FusionCharts and ASP
Ok thanks but that is what I have in my code above. I was wondering if I could not use the asp class object and still render in javascript? -
Wrong Number Of Arguments Or Invalid Property Assignment
Neverguesswho replied to Neverguesswho's topic in FusionCharts and ASP
If I use the xml format, then I don't have to create the fusionchart object correct and I would use the Call renderChart function instead? also if I don't use the FC object can I still renderChart() and have the result be javascript? -
Wrong Number Of Arguments Or Invalid Property Assignment
Neverguesswho replied to Neverguesswho's topic in FusionCharts and ASP
My problem is that it won't display and I can't find the error, I think it is in the render chart part . I have been able to render different charts with the same connection file so that isn't it. I thought I had pretty much the same format for this chart as the examples. My goal is trying to display all/some of the sites with two different values for each site . They each need to be their own data set and I only have one category for the x axis because I just need the sites to show with two subdata sets stacked. Attached is an example of what I would like, and I think I have the set up correct for the most part.... -
Wrong Number Of Arguments Or Invalid Property Assignment
Neverguesswho replied to Neverguesswho's topic in FusionCharts and ASP
I have already connected to the database and created several charts from the same database. I am using the same DBConn file as the other charts so I do not think that the connection is the problem. Do you have any other suggestions?