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About mimsc

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    Junior Member
  1. Mscombo3D Cant Change To 3D From 2D

    Sorry i did not mean to downvote that
  2. I have set the flag "is2d": "1" on to have the page load with a 2d rendering...when I right-click to change to 3d...it will not change to 3d: info: Chart loaded and initialized. Initial Width: 900 Initial Height: 450 Scale Mode: noScale Debug Mode: Yes Application Message Language: EN Chart Type: True 3D Combination Chart (Single Y) Version: 3.2.2(XT) Chart Objects: BACKGROUND CAPTION SUBCAPTION YAXISNAME XAXISNAME YAXISVALUES DATALABELS DATAVALUES TRENDVALUES TOOLTIP LEGEND INFO: Chart registered with external script. DOM Id of chart is myChartId INFO: XML Data provided using dataXML method. XML Data: <chart exportenabled="1" exporthandler="fcExporter1" exportatclient="1" caption="Planned vs. Actual DLH Phasing" subcaption="<br>SORs: MCA, MCB, COMM, DMISA, FY13, WY13<br>SAC: 2, 3<br>Schedule Type: Regular, Lot, Batch" bgcolor="eeeecc" showborder="0" canvasbgcolor="B6AEAE" tooltipbgcolor="ffffff" basefontcolor="322B2B" legendbgcolor="eeeecc" legendbordercolor="eeeecc" outcnvbasefontcolor="000000" formatnumberscale="0" xaxisname="Month" yaxisname="DLH" showlabels="1" showvalues="0" plotfillalpha="70" numvdivlines="10" showalternatevgridcolor="1" alternatevgridcolor="e1f5ff" divlinecolor="ffffff" canvasborderthickness="1" showplotborder="0" zgapplot="0" zdepth="20" exetime="1.2" dynamicshading="0" yzwalldepth="5" zxwalldepth="5" xywalldepth="5" startangx="0" startangy="0" endangx="5" endangy="-25" is2d="1" interactivelegend="1" bgalpha="100"><categories><category label="O12" tooltext="Oct 2012" /><category label="N" tooltext="Nov 2012" /><category label="D" tooltext="Dec 2012" /><category label="J" tooltext="Jan 2013" /><category label="F" tooltext="Feb 2013" /><category label="M" tooltext="Mar 2013" /><category label="A" tooltext="Apr 2013" /><category label="M" tooltext="May 2013" /><category label="J" tooltext="Jun 2013" /><category label="J" tooltext="Jul 2013" /><category label="A" tooltext="Aug 2013" /><category label="S" tooltext="Sep 2013" /><category label="O13" tooltext="Oct 2013" /><category label="N" tooltext="Nov 2013" /><category label="D" tooltext="Dec 2013" /><category label="J" tooltext="Jan 2014" /><category label="F" tooltext="Feb 2014" /><category label="M" tooltext="Mar 2014" /><category label="A" tooltext="Apr 2014" /><category label="M" tooltext="May 2014" /><category label="J" tooltext="Jun 2014" /><category label="J" tooltext="Jul 2014" /><category label="A" tooltext="Aug 2014" /><category label="S" tooltext="Sep 2014" /><category label="O14" tooltext="Oct 2014" /><category label="N" tooltext="Nov 2014" /><category label="D" tooltext="Dec 2014" /><category label="J" tooltext="Jan 2015" /><category label="F" tooltext="Feb 2015" /><category label="M" tooltext="Mar 2015" /><category label="A" tooltext="Apr 2015" /><category label="M" tooltext="May 2015" /><category label="J" tooltext="Jun 2015" /><category label="J" tooltext="Jul 2015" /><category label="A" tooltext="Aug 2015" /><category label="S" tooltext="Sep 2015" /></categories><dataset seriesname="Actual DLH" color="F6BD0F,FFFFFF,666666" plotbordercolor="E16774" renderas="line"><set value="86.16" /><set value="11499.1" /><set value="40088.89" /><set value="98765.82" /><set value="137535.96" /><set value="?" /><set value="?" /><set value="?" /><set value="?" /><set value="?" /><set value="?" /><set value="?" /><set value="?" /><set value="?" /><set value="?" /><set value="?" /><set value="?" /><set value="?" /><set value="?" /><set value="?" /><set value="?" /><set value="?" /><set value="?" /><set value="?" /><set value="?" /><set value="?" /><set value="?" /><set value="?" /></dataset><dataset seriesname="Planned DLH" color="2D2DD6,FFFFFF,666666" plotbordercolor="688DE5" renderas="line"><set value="851.26" /><set value="50815.75" /><set value="118412.67" /><set value="183873.92" /><set value="217453.18" /><set value="306770.15" /><set value="355305.05" /><set value="389076.91" /><set value="349141.14" /><set value="354350.57" /><set value="309588.57" /><set value="330372.77" /><set value="296882.18" /><set value="237295.97" /><set value="179121.54" /><set value="75621.35" /><set value="35885.54" /><set value="19347.34" /><set value="12405.81" /><set value="9530.04" /><set value="2377.56" /><set value="?" /><set value="?" /><set value="?" /><set value="2895.28" /><set value="2805.65" /><set value="2895.28" /><set value="2625.74" /></dataset><styles><definition><style name="MyFirstFontStyle" type="font" font="tahoma" size="25" color="000000" bold="1" /><style name="MyFirstCapFontStyle" type="font" font="tahoma" size="10" color="000000" bold="0" ishtml="1" /></definition><application><apply toobject="caption" styles="MyFirstFontStyle" /><apply toobject="subcaption" styles="MyFirstCapFontStyle" /></application></styles></chart>]
  3. Interactive Legend Not Working

    I found the problem...had a the interactive legend flag set to 0
  4. My legend is not interactive on this chart for some reason.... Info: Chart loaded and initialized. Initial Width: 450 Initial Height: 450 Scale Mode: noScale Debug Mode: Yes Application Message Language: EN Chart Type: Multi Series 3D Column Chart Version: 3.2.2(XT) Chart Objects: BACKGROUND CANVAS CAPTION SUBCAPTION YAXISNAME XAXISNAME DIVLINES YAXISVALUES DATALABELS DATAVALUES TRENDLINES TRENDVALUES DATAPLOT TOOLTIP VLINES LEGEND VLINELABELS INFO: Chart registered with external script. DOM Id of chart is myChartId INFO: XML Data provided using dataXML method. XML Data: <chart caption="Funding" subcaption="(UNCLASSIFIED)<br>PERFORMANCE<br>SORs: MCA, MCB, FY13, WY13<br>SAC: 2 3<br>Schedule Type: Regular Lot Batch" exportenabled="1" exporthandler="fcExporter1" exportatclient="1" bgcolor="eeeecc" showborder="0" forcedecimals="1" decimals="2" canvasbgcolor="B6AEAE" tooltipbgcolor="322B2B" basefontcolor="ffffff" legendbgcolor="eeeecc" legendbordercolor="eeeecc" outcnvbasefontcolor="000000" formatnumberscale="0" xaxisname="SOR" yaxisname="Dollars" showlabels="1" showvalues="0" plotfillalpha="100" numvdivlines="10" showalternatevgridcolor="1" alternatevgridcolor="e1f5ff" divlinecolor="cccccc" canvasborderthickness="1" showplotborder="0" zgapplot="0" zdepth="1" exetime="1.2" dynamicshading="0" yzwalldepth="5" zxwalldepth="5" xywalldepth="5" startangx="0" startangy="0" endangx="5" endangy="-25" interactivelegend="0" bgalpha="100" numberprefix="$" wmode="transparent"><categories><category label="MCA" /><category label="MCB" /></categories><dataset seriesname="ROM Planned Cost" color="2D2DD6,FFFFFF,666666" plotbordercolor="688DE5" renderas="column"><set value="301902785.04" /><set value="188653521.81" /></dataset><dataset seriesname="Obligated" color="F6BD0F,FFFFFF,666666" plotbordercolor="E16774" renderas="column"><set value="82507704.26" /><set value="49190270.15" /></dataset><dataset seriesname="Expended" color="33FF33,FFFFFF,666666" plotbordercolor="E16774" renderas="column"><set value="2994315.77" /><set value="5090778.53" /></dataset><dataset seriesname="Unbilled" color="6600cc,FFFFFF,666666" plotbordercolor="E16774" renderas="column"><set value="79513388.49" /><set value="44099491.62" /></dataset><styles><definition><style name="MyFirstFontStyle" type="font" font="tahoma" size="25" color="000000" bold="1" /><style name="MyFirstCapFontStyle" type="font" font="tahoma" size="10" color="000000" bold="0" ishtml="1" /></definition><application><apply toobject="caption" styles="MyFirstFontStyle" /><apply toobject="subcaption" styles="MyFirstCapFontStyle" /></application></styles></chart>
  5. Hyperlink In Caption Not Working....

    Did you read my post??...I have the "isHtml" flag set....I think the problem is my caption text is too long
  6. I am doing the same thing with al my charts and it works fine, but for this chart I seem to get a mouseover on the caption and the captin hyperlink does not work???? here is the chart data: ////////////////////////////////// //Funds Expended Chart // ////////////////////////////////// var fundExpPlanned = []; var fundExpActual = []; var fundExpVariance = []; <c:forEach var="fundExpBean" items="${fundExpBeans}" varStatus="loopCount"> fundExpPlanned.push({ "value": <tld-msst:fc-value var="${fundExpBean.plannedCost}"/> }); fundExpActual.push({ "value": <tld-msst:fc-value var="${fundExpBean.actualCost}"/> }); fundExpVariance.push({ "value": <tld-msst:fc-value var="${fundExpBean.costVariance}"/> }); </c:forEach> var costCategories = { category: [] }; <c:forEach var="fundExpBean" items="${fundExpBeans}"> costCategories.category.push({"label": "${fundExpBean.costCategory}"}); </c:forEach> fundExpChart.setJSONData( { "chart": { "caption": "<a href='show.mgmtview_funding?view=EXPENDED'>Funds Expended</a>", "palette": "1", "showvalues":"0", "formatnumberscale": "0", "numberPrefix":"$", "numdivlines": "9", "bgcolor": "eeeecc", "canvasBgColor": "030304", "toolTipBgColor": "322B2B", "baseFontColor": "ffffff", "legendBgColor": "eeeecc", "legendBorderColor": "eeeecc", "outCnvBaseFontColor": "38383F", "exportenabled":"0", "exportHandler":"fcExporter1", "exportAtClient":"1", "wmode":"transparent" }, "categories": [costCategories], "dataset": [{ "seriesname": "Planned Cost", "color": "2D2DD6,FFFFFF,666666", "plotbordercolor": "688DE5", "renderas": "column", "data": fundExpPlanned }, { "seriesname": "Actual Cost", "color": "ff3333,FFFFFF,666666", "plotbordercolor": "E16774", "renderas": "column", "data": fundExpActual }, { "seriesname": "Variance", "color": "33FF33,FFFFFF,666666", "plotbordercolor": "E16774", "renderas": "column", "data": fundExpVariance }], "styles": { "definition": [ { "name": "MyFirstFontStyle", "type": "font", "font": "Arial", "size": "16", "ishtml": "1", "color": "0000FF", "bold": "1", "underline": "1" } ], "application": [ { "toobject": "Caption", "styles": "MyFirstFontStyle" } ]} });
  7. No Data To Display.

    ok for some reason...all I did was change the name of the variable I was passing to "categories" and it worked????
  8. No Data To Display.

    Not sure why Im getting this error...its getting data... I just noticed "categories" was not in here.......here is the json: var planned = []; var obligated = []; var expended = []; var unbilled = []; <c:forEach var="bean" items="${beans}" varStatus="loopCount"> planned.push({ "value": <tld-msst:fc-value var="${bean.plannedCost}"/> }); obligated.push({ "value": <tld-msst:fc-value var="${bean.obligatedCost}"/> }); expended.push({ "value": <tld-msst:fc-value var="${bean.expendedCost}"/> }); unbilled.push({ "value": <tld-msst:fc-value var="${bean.unbilledCost}"/> }); </c:forEach> var sors = { category: [] }; <c:forEach var="bean" items="${beans}"> sors.category.push({"label": "${bean.sor.shortName}"}); </c:forEach> [ myChart.setJSONData( { "chart": { "caption": "Funding", "subcaption": filterCriteria, "exportenabled":"1", "exportHandler":"fcExporter1", "exportAtClient":"1", "bgcolor": "eeeecc", "showBorder": "0", "canvasBgColor": "322B2B", "toolTipBgColor": "322B2B", "baseFontColor": "ffffff", "legendBgColor": "eeeecc", "legendBorderColor": "eeeecc", "outcnvbasefontcolor": "000000", "formatnumberscale": "0", "xaxisname": "SOR", "yaxisname": "Dollars", "showlabels": "1", "showvalues": "0", "plotfillalpha": "100", "numvdivlines": "10", "showalternatevgridcolor": "1", "alternatevgridcolor": "e1f5ff", "divlinecolor": "cccccc", "canvasborderthickness": "1", "showplotborder": "0", "zgapplot": "0", "zdepth": "1", "exetime": "1.2", "dynamicshading": "0", "yzwalldepth": "5", "zxwalldepth": "5", "xywalldepth": "5", "startangx": "0", "startangy": "0", "endangx": "5", "endangy": "-25", "interactiveLegend": "0", "bgAlpha": "100", "numberprefix":"$" }, "categories": [sors], "dataset": [{ "seriesname": "Total Planned Cost", "color": "2D2DD6,FFFFFF,666666", "plotbordercolor": "688DE5", "renderas": "column", "data": planned }, { "seriesname": "Obligated", "color": "ff3333,FFFFFF,666666", "plotbordercolor": "E16774", "renderas": "column", "data": obligated }, { "seriesname": "Expended", "color": "33FF33,FFFFFF,666666", "plotbordercolor": "E16774", "renderas": "column", "data": expended }, { "seriesname": "Unbilled", "color": "6600cc,FFFFFF,666666", "plotbordercolor": "E16774", "renderas": "column", "data": unbilled }] , "styles": { "definition": [{ "name": "MyFirstFontStyle", "type": "font", "font": "tahoma", "size": "25", "color": "000000", "bold": "1" },{ "name": "MyFirstCapFontStyle", "type": "font", "font": "tahoma", "size": "10", "color": "000000", "bold": "0", "ishtml": "1" }], "application": [{ "toobject": "caption", "styles": "MyFirstFontStyle" },{ "toobject": "subcaption", "styles": "MyFirstCapFontStyle" }] } }); Info: Chart loaded and initialized. Initial Width: 450 Initial Height: 450 Scale Mode: noScale Debug Mode: Yes Application Message Language: EN Chart Type: Multi Series 3D Column Chart Version: 3.2.2(XT) Chart Objects: BACKGROUND CANVAS CAPTION SUBCAPTION YAXISNAME XAXISNAME DIVLINES YAXISVALUES DATALABELS DATAVALUES TRENDLINES TRENDVALUES DATAPLOT TOOLTIP VLINES LEGEND VLINELABELS INFO: Chart registered with external script. DOM Id of chart is myChartId INFO: XML Data provided using dataXML method. XML Data: <chart caption="Funding" subcaption="PERFORMANCE<br>SORs: [MCA, MCB], Fiscal Year:2012, Workload Year:2012<br>SAC: 2 3<br>Schedule Type: Regular Lot Batch" exportenabled="1" exporthandler="fcExporter1" exportatclient="1" bgcolor="eeeecc" showborder="0" canvasbgcolor="322B2B" tooltipbgcolor="322B2B" basefontcolor="ffffff" legendbgcolor="eeeecc" legendbordercolor="eeeecc" outcnvbasefontcolor="000000" formatnumberscale="0" xaxisname="SOR" yaxisname="Dollars" showlabels="1" showvalues="0" plotfillalpha="100" numvdivlines="10" showalternatevgridcolor="1" alternatevgridcolor="e1f5ff" divlinecolor="cccccc" canvasborderthickness="1" showplotborder="0" zgapplot="0" zdepth="1" exetime="1.2" dynamicshading="0" yzwalldepth="5" zxwalldepth="5" xywalldepth="5" startangx="0" startangy="0" endangx="5" endangy="-25" interactivelegend="0" bgalpha="100" numberprefix="$">[MCA, MCB]<dataset seriesname="Total Planned Cost" color="2D2DD6,FFFFFF,666666" plotbordercolor="688DE5" renderas="column"><set value="2.6840504593E8" /><set value="1.4286084902E8" /></dataset><dataset seriesname="Obligated" color="ff3333,FFFFFF,666666" plotbordercolor="E16774" renderas="column"><set value="2.6561633453E8" /><set value="1.6117566755E8" /></dataset><dataset seriesname="Expended" color="33FF33,FFFFFF,666666" plotbordercolor="E16774" renderas="column"><set value="1.5678996039E8" /><set value="1.0704943953E8" /></dataset><dataset seriesname="Unbilled" color="6600cc,FFFFFF,666666" plotbordercolor="E16774" renderas="column"><set value="1.0882637414E8" /><set value="5.408824309E7" /></dataset><styles><definition><style name="MyFirstFontStyle" type="font" font="tahoma" size="25" color="000000" bold="1" /><style name="MyFirstCapFontStyle" type="font" font="tahoma" size="10" color="000000" bold="0" ishtml="1" /></definition><application><apply toobject="caption" styles="MyFirstFontStyle" /><apply toobject="subcaption" styles="MyFirstCapFontStyle" /></application></styles></chart> No Data to Display: No data was found in the XML data document provided. Possible cases can be: There isn't any data generated by your system. If your system generates data based on parameters passed to it using dataURL, please make sure dataURL is URL Encoded. You might be using a Single Series Chart .swf file instead of Multi-series .swf file and providing multi-series data or vice-versa.
  9. I think you misunderstod my question. Al I want to do is change the background color of the message box that appears when the chart data is null. I am able to change the text...but I am unable to change from the default color of white. The example given does not seem to work...and neither does the configure this example does not work: <div id="chartContainer">FusionCharts will load here</div> <script type="text/javascript"> var myChart = new FusionCharts("Column2D.swf", "myChartId", "300", "250", "0", "1", "#DCD8EB"); myChart.setXMLUrl("<chart></chart>"); myChart.configure("ChartNoDataText", "Please select a record above"); myChart.render("chartContainer"); </script> http://docs.fusioncharts.com/charts/contents/advanced/ChartMessages.html
  10. Hello Im trying to use the example of setting the background color for when a chart message shows up, but it still shows up as white?? var myChart = new FusionCharts("../js/FusionCharts/MSCombi3D.swf", "myChartId", "450", "450", "0", "1","#eeeecc"); myChart.configure("ChartNoDataText", "No data found for the current filter settings."); myChart.render("div_view");
  11. Hello all I have implemented Fusioncharts and it works fine on my local host , but when I deployed to our staging server for testing, when we run a page that has the charts I get the security warning: Im Using the Javascript charts like so for example: var myChart = new FusionCharts("../js/FusionCharts/MSColumn3D.swf", "myChartId", "450", "450", "0", "1");
  12. I just tried to add the comma, separated hex color pattern and I still get a solid color for my line plots?? var myChart = new FusionCharts("../js/FusionCharts/MSCombi3D.swf", "myChartId", "500", "500", "0", "1"); myChart.setJSONData( { "chart": { "bgcolor": "ddddbb", "borderColor": "ddddbb", "canvasBgColor": "322B2B", "toolTipBgColor": "322B2B", "baseFontColor": "ffffff", "legendBgColor": "DDDDBB", "outCnvBaseFontColor": "38383F", "outcnvbasefontcolor": "666666", "formatnumberscale": "0", "xaxisname": "Month", "yaxisname": "Inductions", "showlabels": "1", "showvalues": "0", "plotfillalpha": "70", "numvdivlines": "10", "showalternatevgridcolor": "1", "alternatevgridcolor": "e1f5ff", "divlinecolor": "ffffff", //"basefontcolor": "666666", "canvasborderthickness": "1", "showplotborder": "0", //"plotborderthickness": "0", "zgapplot": "0", "zdepth": "120", "exetime": "1.2", "dynamicshading": "0", "yzwalldepth": "5", "zxwalldepth": "5", "xywalldepth": "5", "startangx": "0", "startangy": "0", "endangx": "5", "endangy": "-25", "interactiveLegend": "0", "bgAlpha": "100" }, "categories": [{ "category": [{ "label": "Oct" }, { "label": "Nov" }, { "label": "Dec" }, { "label": "Jan" }, { "label": "Feb" }, { "label": "Mar" }, { "label": "Apr" }, { "label": "May" }, { "label": "Jun" }, { "label": "Jul" }, { "label": "Aug" }, { "label": "Sep" }] }], "dataset": [{ "seriesname": "Planned Inductions", //"color": "688DE5", "color": "2D2DD6,FFFFFF,666666", "plotbordercolor": "688DE5", "renderas": "line", "data": [{ "value": "3461" }, { "value": "7861" }, { "value": "6365" }, { "value": "4251" }, { "value": "7286" }, { "value": "3950" }, { "value": "4278" }, { "value": "7493" }, { "value": "4025" }, { "value": "4107" }, { "value": "9077" }, { "value": "3876" }] }, { "seriesname": "Actual Inductions", //"color": "E16774", "color": "F50004,FFFFFF,666666", "plotbordercolor": "E16774", "renderas": "line", "data": [{}, {}, { "value": "2816" }, { "value": "4252" }, { "value": "2777" }, { "value": "4664" }, { "value": "5433" }, { "value": "3267" }, { "value": "2425" }, { "value": "2789" }, { "value": "4068" }, { "value": "3036" }, { "value": "4298" }, { "value": "5454" }] }], "styles": { "definition": [{ "name": "captionFont", "type": "font", "size": "15" }], "application": [{ "toobject": "caption", "styles": "captionfont" }] } }); myChart.render("div_view");
  13. Hello, Thank you. Your reply really helped me out.