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Everything posted by Vedmack

  1. Can anyone take a look at my rephrased question above? Thanks
  2. In my angular gauge i got min value 0 , max value of 43 and some "current value" Why when the current value is 0 or 1 the tick value around the gauge is being displayed as floating point numbers and when the current value is 2 there are no values in the ticks surrounding the gauge at all I want the tick value to be displayed always , but Integers only I did try using the "adjustTM" with various numbers , but when it comes to "current value" being 0 or 1 , its no good :/ Here is my code var max = 43 if (max === -1) { return; } var slice = max / 3; var chartData = { "chart": { "manageresize": "1", "origw": "400", "origh": "250", "managevalueoverlapping": "1", "autoaligntickvalues": "1", "fillangle": "45", "upperlimit": max, "lowerlimit": "0", "majortmnumber": "10", "majortmheight": "8", "showgaugeborder": "0", "gaugeouterradius": "140", "gaugeoriginx": "205", "gaugeoriginy": "206", "gaugeinnerradius": "2", "formatnumberscale": "0", "decmials": "0", "tickmarkdecimals": "1", "pivotradius": "17", "showpivotborder": "1", "pivotbordercolor": "000000", "pivotborderthickness": "5", "pivotfillmix": "FFFFFF,000000", "tickvaluedistance": "10", "showvalue": "1", "borderalpha": "0", "bgAlpha" : '0', "bgColor" : 'ffffff', "valueBelowPivot" : "1 }, "colorrange": { "color": [ { "minvalue": 0, "maxvalue": slice, "code": "399E38" }, { "minvalue": slice, "maxvalue": slice + slice, "code": "E48739" }, { "minvalue": slice + slice, "maxvalue": max, "code": "B41527" } ] }, "dials": { "dial": [ { "value": 1, "borderalpha": "0", "bgcolor": "000000", "basewidth": "28", "topwidth": "1", "radius": "130" } ] }, "annotations": { "groups": [ { "x": "205", "y": "207.5", "items": [ { "type": "circle", "x": "0", "y": "2.5", "radius": "150", "startangle": "0", "endangle": "180", "fillpattern": "linear", "fillasgradient": "1", "fillcolor": "dddddd,666666", "fillalpha": "100,100", "fillratio": "50,50", "fillangle": "0", "showborder": "1", "bordercolor": "444444", "borderthickness": "2" }, { "type": "circle", "x": "0", "y": "0", "radius": "145", "startangle": "0", "endangle": "180", "fillpattern": "linear", "fillasgradient": "1", "fillcolor": "666666,ffffff", "fillalpha": "100,100", "fillratio": "50,50", "fillangle": "0" } ] } ] }, "styles": { "definition": [ { "type": "font", "name": "myAngularGaugeSpecialFont", "color": "000000", "size": "22" } ], "application": [ { "toobject": "Value", "styles": "myAngularGaugeSpecialFont" } ] } }; Thanks ahead, Daniel
  3. HI I got an angular chart just like in this example I used show value attribute to display the value of the chart, the thing is that the value is being displayed above the arrow "root circle" how can i display the value below the gauge chart ? and how can i make its font bigger...? Thanks ahead, Daniel.
  4. I meant to ask , how can i make this example http://www.fusioncha...asp?id=linear_6 with gradient color just like in this one http://www.fusioncha...asp?id=linear_5 , and not only two colors... I dont want two colors green and red , instead i want it to be gradient from green to yellow to red , just like in the http://www.fusioncha...asp?id=linear_5 , but I want the color to be with the 3D effect like in http://www.fusioncha...asp?id=linear_6 (hope that i explained myself good enough) something similar to the gauge in this example , its color are gradient and look with a slight 3D effect I mean is there a place in that http://www.fusioncha...asp?id=linear_6 example that i can insert the color as "678000,FCEF27,E00000" ?
  5. Hi I want to make the annotations of the linear gauge transparent , i took the following example http://www.fusioncha...asp?id=linear_5 but when I set the alpha or the fillAlpha of the annotation to 0 it disappears and the shape of the linear gauge become a simple rectangle so how can i make the circle annotation to cover the linear gauge rectangle but stay transparent to the background I'm displaying the whole chart on? Thanks ahead, Daniel,
  6. Thanks for the reply , But alpha > 0 means that the annotation is being seen... so its not good for me :/ The circle must be completely transparent and hide the overlapping part of the linear gauge so it will look like in the http://www.fusioncha...asp?id=linear_5 example
  7. Here the sample image I want to make that blue circle (created by annotation) to cover the linear gauge rectangle and to be transaprent but if I use "alpha" : "0", the circle disappears , I don't want to make the circle colored in white or other color , cause the background of the chart is colored in gradient color and it could be changed later on here is my code var chartData = { "chart": { "manageresize": "1", "lowerlimit": "0", "upperlimit": "100", "showborder": "0", "valuepadding": "0", "gaugefillmix": "", "showgaugeborder": "0", "pointerontop": "0", "pointerradius": "5", "pointerbordercolor": "000000", "pointerbgcolor": "000000", "annrenderdelay": "0", "showshadow": "0", "minortmnumber": "0", "basefontcolor": "000000", "animation": "0", "showValue": "0", "showTickMarks": "0", "showTickValues": "0", "bgAlpha" : '0,0' }, "colorrange": { "color": [ { "minvalue": "0", "maxvalue": "100", "alpha": "0" } ] }, "pointers": { "pointer": [ { "value": markValue } ] }, "annotations": { "groups": [ { "id": "Grp1", //"alpha" : "0", "showbelow": "0", "x": "$chartCenterX", "y": "-25", "items": [ { "type": "circle", "radius": "50", "color": "0000FF" } ] }, { "id": "Grp2", "showbelow": "1", "items": [ { "type": "rectangle", "x": "$gaugeStartX", "y": "$gaugeStartY", "tox": "$gaugeEndX", "toy": "$gaugeEndY", "fillcolor": "678000,FCEF27,E00000" } ] } ] } }; chartReference = new FusionCharts("HLinearGauge", chartID, "100", "50", "0", "0"); chartReference.setJSONData(chartData); chartReference.setTransparent(true); chartReference.render(containerID); Thanks ahead, Daniel.
  8. How To Dispose Of A Chart?

    Hi After figuring out that its not a good idea to retrieve an existing chart using jquery I temporary moved to js But now it seems that js got some issue too Here how I check if chart already exists var chartReference = FusionCharts("my_chart_id"); if(chartReference){ FusionCharts("my_chart_id").dispose(); } but sometimes i'm getting "getting Uncaught TypeError: Cannot call method 'destroy' of undefined " in my chrome console pointing me to the FusionCharts("my_chart_id").dispose(); line... How can it be fixed? cause the fact i;m entering the if condition means that chartReference object is not null ---> the chart exists so how should I get rid of it ? Regards, Daniel.
  9. How To Dispose Of A Chart?

    if(chartRef == "myChartId"){ ? shouldn't it be if(chartRef == "my_chart_id"){ I mean , where does the myChartId came from ? Thanks..
  10. Hi Prior to fusion charts I was working with other charting librarys and I was using jquery delegate on the chart container so when I was clicking on the chart which is inside the chart container I was doing some logic (opening dialog) now I;m trying to integrate the fusion charts and I noticed that my delegate is not working any more - cause the click event is `being eaten` by the fusion chart - im currently working with 3D Doughnut Chart So I want to disable slice explode and disable clicking on legend (which result in slice explode too) And I want my delegate on the chart div container to work... - I don't want to start writing logic per chart (cause I got many on page) I want to use my delegate that is hooked up to common style class that all my chart container got So how can I prevent from fusion chart to eat up my delegate that applied to the chart containers ? Regards, Daniel.
  11. Yes it does! Thank you! I'm using 3.2.3-sr2.6105 It could be nice if your docs were updated... (I know its not easy ) "enableSlicing" : 0,
  12. Hi I'm trying to to re-size the Linear Gauge from example http://www.fusioncha...asp?id=linear_5 so it will be very small 100 px i don't want the TickMarks and the TickValues - removed them with showTickMarks: '0', showTickValues:'0', , also I removed the good and bad labels - cause i don't need them but all i manged to achieve is some thin line with white background while what i want to achieve is the same linear gauge as in example , only smaller (100 px) and with transparent background Any help will be appreciated....
  13. In my case , I'm using "clickURL" : "JavaScript: on my chart to open a dialog , so it really looks bad that a pie is being exploded when one clicks on it to display the dialog what can i do in order to prevent it from exploding ? after all its should be very simple - something like placing event.preventDefault() or event.stopPropagation() somewhere in the code... (i did try on this on my side, but no good) ?
  14. Hi, I'm using jquery do create fusion charts with js (not using flash at all) So what is the point of writing down the following line: swfUrl: "resources/fusioncharts/Pie3D.swf", i mean I don't event put the swf files in my web project (cause i don't want my charts to be rendered by flash) isn't there any better way to specify that i want to create Pie3D chart ? isn't there something like chartType:Pie3D INMO specifying file as a chart type is a bit awkward ? Regards, Daniel.
  15. Hi I have tried to follow the order given int the following thread but its not working this is the chart data "chart": { "manageresize": "1", "origw": "400", "origh": "250", "managevalueoverlapping": "1", "autoaligntickvalues": "1", "fillangle": "45", "upperlimit": max, "lowerlimit": 0, "majortmnumber": "10", "majortmheight": "8", "showgaugeborder": "0", "gaugeouterradius": "140", "gaugeoriginx": "205", "gaugeoriginy": "206", "gaugeinnerradius": "2", "formatnumberscale": "0", "decmials": "0", "tickmarkdecimals": "1", "pivotradius": "17", "showpivotborder": "1", "pivotbordercolor": "000000", "pivotborderthickness": "5", "pivotfillmix": "FFFFFF,000000", "tickvaluedistance": "10", "showvalue": "1", "bgAlpha" : '0', "bgColor" : 'ffffff' }, Its almost working... I also did chartReference.setTransparent(true); but the one thing that left is a rectangle that surrounds the chart (if i open the debug tools and change the stroke-width from 1 to 0 , the border disappears... how can I achieve it with the js api ? Thanks ahead, Daniel
  16. ok, solved with "borderalpha": "0",
  17. It didn't Here what I did var chartData = { "chart": { "showlabels": 0, "showvalues": 0, "showLegend" : 1, "legendPosition" : "buttom", "bgAlpha" : '0,0', "animation" : 0, "interactiveLegend" : 0, "enableRotation" : 1, "clickURL" : "JavaScript:dashboard.showDashBoardWidgetPopupDialogForFusionChart('whitelist');" }, "data": data }; still I'm able to click on donut slices and the explode as a result of my clicks :| Any idea? Thanks ahead, Daniel
  18. Thanks You should update your doc, goes the given example shows that one should use swfUrl: "FusionCharts/Column3D.swf", renderer : 'JavaScript', That's the reason I asked that question...
  19. I'm drawing a chart (Doughnut3D) over a colored div but my chart appears with rectangular white background I don't want to add background picture I just want that the chart (Doughnut3D) will be displayed over my colored div (just like it was with my previous charting library ) I tried the bgSWFAlpha , but its no good... Regards, Daniel
  20. How Can I Remove Background From Chart

    Thanks, Cause its a real show stopper for out integration of fusion charts in our system...
  21. Thanks, eventually I found the clickURL" : "JavaScript:..... its what I wanted... Can you please let me know how to prevent the clicking on the chart and exploding the slices ? interactiveLegend is good to prevent exploding from legend but i want to prevent from the chart itself...
  22. How Can I Remove Background From Chart

    Still not working :/ var chartData = { "chart": { "decimals": 0, "showlabels": 0, "showvalues": 0, "showLegend" : 1, "legendPosition" : "buttom", "enableRotation" : 0, "bgAlpha" : '0,0', "interactiveLegend" : 0 }, "data": data } $("#my_chart_container").insertFusionCharts({ swfUrl: "resources/fusioncharts/Doughnut3D.swf", renderer: "javascript", dataSource: chartData, dataFormat: "json", width: placeHolderWidth, height: placeHolderHeight, id: "my_chart_id" }); var chartReference = FusionCharts("my_chart_id"); chartReference.setTransparent(true); can it be that there is something wrong with the var chartReference = FusionCharts("my_chart_id"); ? cause even if i call this line before i draw the chart for the first time chartReference is not null, instead its "a.core" ????
  23. How Can I Remove Background From Chart

    but how can I use setTransparent(true); if I'm using the jquery plugin to create the chart ? i tried to $("#myID").insertFusionCharts({wMode: "transparent" .... I also added "bgAlpha" : '0,0' to "chart": { no good ... any ideas ?