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About elaine

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    Forum Newbie
  1. Drill Down And Export

    Hi, Thanks for replying, please tell me if the bug is fixed.
  2. Drill Down And Export

    Hi, The export functionality I used like following: <chart caption="Quarterly Sales Summary" subcaption="For the year 2004" xAxisName="Quarter" yAxisName="Sales" numberPrefix="$" useRoundEdges="1" exportEnabled="1" exportEnabled="1" exportAtClient="0" exportHandler="ExportHandlers/PHP/FCExporter.php" exportAction="download" exportFileName="myExportFile">
  3. Drill Down And Export

    It doesn't back after export, and i did't get any exception in js files when I tested in both Firefox and Chrome. The export function used is like following code: <chart caption="Quarterly Sales Summary" subcaption="For the year 2004" xAxisName="Quarter" yAxisName="Sales" numberPrefix="$" useRoundEdges="1" exportEnabled="1" exportEnabled="1" exportAtClient="0" exportHandler="ExportHandlers/PHP/FCExporter.php" exportAction="download" exportFileName="myExportFile">
  4. Drill Down And Export

    Hi, I'm trying to export the data as image after drill-down, but found that the Back button which linked to parent page was disappeared, please see attachment of this issue. So is there any solution to this issue?