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About muralikanth

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    Junior Member
  1. Stacked Bar 3D Canvasecolor

    HI ,, i draw a stacked bar 3d chart... i set ccanvasBgColor='ffffff' ..but white color not applied for the canvas it looking something gradient... how to remove gradient and apply pure white 2. then how to apply alternative color for blocks between divisional lines.. it coming automatically for to do with 3d color plz help me regards MUrali kanth
  2. Multi Series Bar Chart Cut

    its works if value is below 7 digit like 15,0000 but we need shopisticated solutions.. if value will be coming in beyond 8 digit we and change tha chartrightmarigin again to something greater than before.... we have showing more than 50 charts .some charts maximum value in 3 digits like 1000 some charts value going beyond the 8 digits.. if set maximum value to the chartrightmarigin 3 digit ccchart looking un aligned.. plz response me with dynamic solutions which wil suits automcatically thank u for ur response issue1.bmp
  3. Multi Series Bar Chart Cut

    Hi support.,,.. in multi series 3d bar chart right corner of the chart cuts lightly.. plz give me response soon here is xml <Chart yAxisMaxValue='' showValues='1' maxBarHeight='50' showLegend='0' showYAxisValues='1' decimals='2' numDivLines='3' formatNumberScale='0' useRoundEdges='0' exportTargetWindow='1' exportEnabled='1' exportAction='download' exportAtClient='0' YAXISNAME='(MB)' exportHandler='/final/FusionCharts/jsp/FCExporter.jsp' bgColor='ffffff' borderAlpha='100' showToolTipShadow='1' chartLeftMargin='8' chartRightMargin='8' chartTopMargin='8' chartBottomMargin='8' canvasBorderColor ='000000' canvasBorderThickness ='0' plotSpacePercent ='15' maxLabelWidthPercent ='20' baseFont='verdana' outCnvBaseFontSize='10' outCnvBaseFontColor ='000000' showBorder ='0' canvasBgAlpha ='22' plotGradientColor ='' adjustDiv='0' yAxisValueDecimals='2' caption='Top Memory Consuming Applications' clickURL ='j-openInNewWin-reporttype%3Dvdi_insight%26subtype%3Dapplication_activity%26measureGroup%3DMemory_usage' ><categories><category label='ws_tomcatservice' /><category label='ws_messagebusservice' /><category label='ws_tunnelservice' /><category label='svchost' /><category label='ccsvchst' /><category label='smc' /></categories><dataset seriesName='' showValues='1' color='6960EC'><set value='154.79' /><set value='80.15' /><set value='59.36' /><set value='21.51' /><set value='16.8' /><set value='10.57' /></dataset></Chart>
  4. Pie Chart Issue

    Hi,,, In 3D pie chart smart labels are working fine.. but in 2D pie labels are partially behind the chart.. plz do need ful ASAP
  5. Pie Chart

    Sorry yar.. its my fault color code is wrong one.... sorry
  6. Pie Chart

    Hi i attached snapshot .. in that snapshot last two charts contains unwanted orange shadow.... plz. clarify and how to solve this
  7. Showing Data On Pie

    hi how to show value on each pie slice instead of showing in outside the pie using smart labels
  8. Pie Chart

    Hi... how to open new popup window when click pie chart using java script....
  9. Pie Chart

  10. Pie Chart

    how to control distance between chart and caption in pie chart plz help me