I debugged the code under IE 9 and the bold underline code below, has some problem and it says there is no property "border". when I commented this line of code it works but a border for this label is displayed.
This code run well for chrome, ff and safari, no matter on windows or mac.
By the way, the chars is rendering under javascript mode.
The full chart config is:
"data": [
"showValue": "1",
"color": "039BD5",
"value": 7.8752299721586638,
"label": ""
"vline": "true",
"color": "000000",
"alpha": "0",
"thickness": "2",
"labelPosition": "1",
"label": "ReOpen",
"showLabelBorder": "0"
"showValue": "1",
"color": "6ECA62",
"value": 14.285706001508917,
"label": ""
chart_configs = {
"chart" : {
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"caption" : "",
"yaxisname" : "",
"xaxisname" : "",
"basefont" : "Lucida Grande, Lucida Sans, Arial, sans-serif",
"bgcolor" : "FFFFFF,FFFFFF",
"basefontsize" : "12",
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"borderColor" : 'D25A1D',
"bgAlpha" : "100,100",
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"decimals" : "1",
"plotfillangle" : "360",
"borderThickness" : "1",
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"divlinealpha" : "0",
"numdivlines" : "0",
"chartRightMargin" : "5",
"chartLeftMargin" : "5",
"chartTopMargin" : "10",
"canvasBorderThickness" : "1",
"canvasBorderAlpha" : "0",
"canvasbgColor" : 'FFFFFF,FFFFFF',
"canvasbgAlpha" : '0,0',
"yAxisMaxValue" : upperlimit + 20,
"yAxisMinValue" : lowerlimit + 10,
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"captionPadding" : "5",
"valuePadding" : "1",
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"showBorder" : "0",
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"showPlotBorder" : "0",
"showpalettecolors" : "0",
"plotgradientcolor" : "",
"showToolTip" : "0",
"numberSuffix" : "%",
"adjustDiv" : "0",
"plotSpacePercent" : "30"
"styles" : {
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"size" : "12"
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