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Everything posted by Kyle

  1. Hi, I am using fusionchart xt to create a column2d chart, and it works well for ff, safari, chrome and IE 10 preview. However, when I tested it on IE9, it always throws an error that: Invalid argument FusionCharts.HC.js Line 31, Char 96. Then I run this by the debug mode of IE9, I can skip this error and the chart could be displayed. Hope anyone could find the reason. Thanks. Chun
  2. Fusionchart Not Work For Ie9

    Thanks for your answer, I removed the "showLabelBorder" attribute in the data object and added the "showVlineLabelBorder" to the chart_configs and this works for IE9, but yet failed in IE8.
  3. Fusionchart Not Work For Ie9

    I debugged the code under IE 9 and the bold underline code below, has some problem and it says there is no property "border". when I commented this line of code it works but a border for this label is displayed. This code run well for chrome, ff and safari, no matter on windows or mac. By the way, the chars is rendering under javascript mode. Thanks. The full chart config is: ... "data": [ { "showValue": "1", "color": "039BD5", "value": 7.8752299721586638, "label": "" }, { "vline": "true", "color": "000000", "alpha": "0", "thickness": "2", "labelPosition": "1", "label": "ReOpen", "showLabelBorder": "0" }, { "showValue": "1", "color": "6ECA62", "value": 14.285706001508917, "label": "" }, }.... And chart_configs = { "chart" : { "animation" : "0", "caption" : "", "yaxisname" : "", "xaxisname" : "", "basefont" : "Lucida Grande, Lucida Sans, Arial, sans-serif", "bgcolor" : "FFFFFF,FFFFFF", "basefontsize" : "12", "basefontcolor" : "545454", "borderColor" : 'D25A1D', "bgAlpha" : "100,100", "showvalues" : "0", "showLabels" : "1", "decimals" : "1", "plotfillangle" : "360", "borderThickness" : "1", "showalternatevgridcolor" : "0", "divlinealpha" : "0", "numdivlines" : "0", "chartRightMargin" : "5", "chartLeftMargin" : "5", "chartTopMargin" : "10", "canvasBorderThickness" : "1", "canvasBorderAlpha" : "0", "canvasbgColor" : 'FFFFFF,FFFFFF', "canvasbgAlpha" : '0,0', "yAxisMaxValue" : upperlimit + 20, "yAxisMinValue" : lowerlimit + 10, "labelPadding" : "0", "captionPadding" : "5", "valuePadding" : "1", "showShadow" : "0", "showYAxisValues" : "0", "useroundedges" : "0", "showXAxisValues" : "0", "yAxisNamePadding" : "0", "showBorder" : "0", "showVDivLines" : "0", "placevaluesinside" : "0", "showPlotBorder" : "0", "showpalettecolors" : "0", "plotgradientcolor" : "", "showToolTip" : "0", "numberSuffix" : "%", "adjustDiv" : "0", "plotSpacePercent" : "30" }, "styles" : { "definition" : [ { "name" : "myFontCaption", "type" : "font", "size" : "10", "color" : "545454", "bold" : "0", "font" : "Lucida Grande, Lucida Sans, Arial, sans-serif", "align" : "top" }, { "name" : "myShadow", "type" : "font", "color" : "545454", "size" : "12", "bold" : "0", "font" : "Lucida Grande, Lucida Sans, Arial, sans-serif" }, { "name" : "myLabelsFont", "type" : "font", "color" : "545454", "bold" : "0", "font" : "Lucida Grande, Lucida Sans, Arial, sans-serif", "size" : "12" }, { "name" : "myAxisTitlesFont", "type" : "font", "font" : "Lucida Grande, Lucida Sans, Arial, sans-serif", "size" : "12", "color" : "545454", "bold" : "0", "ishtml" : "1", } ], "application" : [ { "toobject" : "caption", "styles" : "myFontCaption" }, { "toobject" : "DataValues", "styles" : "myShadow" }, { "toobject" : "DataLabels", "styles" : "myLabelsFont" }, { "toobject" : "XAxisName", "styles" : "myAxisTitlesFont" } ] } };
  4. Fusionchart Not Work For Ie9

    Then I found more, I was trying to add a vLine between two data points, and it works when the property of "showLabelBorder" is disabled but fails when this property is enabled.
  5. Hi, I am using fusionchartsXT and I am wandering whether I can make two points in two series of lines with the same x-value share the same tooltip. I tried to read the fusioncharts documents and I could not find the right solution. Please see the attachment. Thanks.