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About tutoki

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    Forum Newbie
  1. Hi, I am using FusionCharts.php wrapper class to render dimanic html/xml, I have no problem when i try with a Multiseries charts, with Combination Chart (MSCombiDY2D.swf) I try to add some code in the Dataset SerieName like - > ParentYAxis='S' renderAs='Line' and ParentYAxis='P' renderAs='Line'" to change the type of chart without success. this is the snippet function buildDatasets ($result, $valueField, $controlBreak ) { $strXML = ""; if ($result) { $controlBreakValue =""; while( $ors = mysql_fetch_array($result) ) { // if $controlBreak = "disk.maxtotallatency.latest"; // $controlBreakValue = $controlBreakValue." ParentYAxis='s'"; if( $controlBreakValue != $ors[$controlBreak] ) { $controlBreakValue = $ors[$controlBreak]; // this is my own code //if ($controlBreakValue == "disk.maxtotallatency.latest") { //$controlBreakValue .= " ParentYAxis='S' renderAs='Line' "; } //if ($controlBreakValue == "disk.usage.average") { //$controlBreakValue = $controlBreakValue . (" ParentYAxis='P' renderAs='Area'"); } //End my own code $strXML .= ( $strXML =="" ? "" : "</dataset>") . ( "<dataset seriesName='" . $controlBreakValue . "'>" ) ; echo $controlBreakValue; //echo $controlBreakValue; } $strXML .= "<set value='" . $ors[$valueField] . "'/>"; } $strXML .= "</dataset>"; } return $strXML; } Any help will be apprecitedSALUD... Charly
  2. Dynamic Chart

    Hi I need to improve some dynamism producing charts, for example using a select multiple tag and passing the variables to Javascript/Jquery functions ( I don´t use php), All the data files (XMLs) are created. I have advanced but when i mark two o more option in the select multiple tag it doesn´t work. Obviously there are more ways to do this... You can try an example here : http://www.guarderia-nuevavida.org/escuelait/select/selectrev1.html The main blocks are : I have all the xml files with gpe.txt I create a dynamic select with javascript/jquery and another function to generte the chart One of the problem that i have found y that the object "ChartId_1" can´t be the same var myChart = new FusionCharts("fusion/MSLine.swf", "ChartId_1 ", "365", "400", "0", "1") Any help will be appreciate The code: <!DOCTYPE HTML> <html lang="es"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>Selecto Multiple</title> <script type="text/javascript" src="fusion/FusionCharts.js"></script> <style type="text/css"> </style> <script type="text/javascript" src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.0.0/jquery.min.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> $(function(){ var url = "gpe.txt"; var arreglo = $.get(url, function(data) { vista = data.split(" "); console.log(vista); //$selector = "<form action='' method='get' > "; $selector = "<select multiple id=graf>"; for (var i = 0; i < vista.length; i++) { $selector += "<option name="+'valor'+i+" value="+vista[i]+">"+vista[i] +"</option>"; console.log(vista[i]); }; $selector += "</select>"; $selector += "<br>"; $selector += '<input type="button" value="Submit" onclick="graficos();">'; //$selector += "</form>"; $("#resultado").html($selector); }); }); function graficos() { $(function() { $("#graf").change(function() { var texto = "Manage Charts: "; $("#graf option:selected").each(function() { texto += '<br>'; var atributo = $(this).text(); texto += "<span id="+atributo+">FusionCharts will load here!</span>" ; //no va texto += '<script type="text/javascript" >'; texto += 'var myChart = new FusionCharts("fusion/MSLine.swf", "ChartId_1 ", "365", "400", "0", "1");'; texto += "myChart.setXMLUrl('data/vm/"+$(this).text();+".xml');"; texto += "');myChart.render('"+$(this).text();+"')"; texto += "')"; //texto += $(this).text(); }); $("#grafico").html(texto); }) .trigger('change'); }); } </script> </head> <body> <h1>seleciona</h1> <div id="resultado"></div> <div id="grafico">aqui</div> </body> </html>
  3. Numbers Formatting

    <chart caption="Use CPU FWv01" decimalSeparator="," drawAnchors="0" inDecimalSeparator="," inThousandSeparator="." legendCaption="Virtual Machines" legendIconScale="2" numDivLines="8" paletteColors="042936,006D9C,5DCF76,3F8A4F" showExportDataMenuItem="1" showValues="0" thousandSeparator="." xAxisName="Month" yAxisMaxvalue="100" yAxisName="% use cpu"> <categories> <category label="20121005T080000" /> <category label="20121005T100000" /> <category label="20121005T120000" /> . . . . <dataset SeriesName="cpu_ready_summation"> <set value="0.0129444444444444" /> <set value="0.144777777777778" /> <set value="0.150611111111111" /> <set value="0.158388888888889" /> <set value="0.160166666666667" /> . . . . . .<dataset SeriesName="cpu_usage_average"> <set value="6,28" /> <set value="12,44" /> <set value="7,98" /> <set value="2,9" /> I need to replace the dot with a comma and set the value to only 2 decimals ( like second dataset tag) I dont know whats wrong. Any clue? Thank in advance SALUD...
  4. Showtooltip

    Sorry , I meant anchor ( no circle), I have testing the anchor attribute and is what i was looking for. Another cuestion: When setting the showToolTip = 1, Adobe Flash give me a scripting error, so, what is the maximun point/values support FusionChart?, is a Adobe problem?, CPU/hardware problem? ,three are any limits o best practices? (around 3000points/values to plot). Thanks in advance SALUD...Charly
  5. Showtooltip

    Hi, I have a chart build with MSline + showtooltip, the problem is that I have too much points, 350 x 8 dataset and how you can image I can only see the circle of the points. Is there any attribute which show (showtooltip) only max and min values? Thanks in advance
  6. Hi, I am using ths MSLine.swf charts and i wonder about if exist any attribute to make it possible : Hide all leyend al the same time not in one o one at a time. Thank in advance