I use the FusionChart XT.
Due to Italian culture, decimal numbers are separated by a comma (EN 15.65 = IT 15,65).
I have an XML like this:
<chart bgColor='FFFFFF' outCnvBaseFontColor='666666' caption='Monthly Sales Summary' xAxisName='Month' yAxisName='Sales' numberPrefix=' showLabels='1' showValues='0'
plotFillAlpha='70' numVDivLines='10' showAlternateVGridColor='1' AlternateVGridColor='e1f5ff' divLineColor='999999' baseFontColor='666666'
canvasBorderThickness='1' showPlotBorder='0' plotBorderThickness='0' zgapplot='0' zdepth='120' exeTime='1.2' dynamicShading='1' YZWallDepth='5' ZXWallDepth='5' XYWallDepth='5' canvasBgColor='FBFBFB' startAngX='0' startAngY='0' endAngX='5' endAngY='-25' divLineEffect='bevel'>
<category label='1' />
<category label='2' />
<dataset seriesName='SERIES1' color='C8A1D1' plotBorderColor='C8A1D1' renderAs='line'>
<set value='8,73'/>
<set value='6,66'/>
<dataset seriesName='SERIES2' color='B1D1DC' plotBorderColor='B1D1DC' renderAs='line'>
<set value='16,50'/>
<set value='16,50'/>
<style name='captionFont' type='font' size='15' />
<apply toObject='caption' styles='captionfont' />
So if i leave the comma separator, the graph cannot be viewed.
I could replace the comma with a dot, but on the labels i need to show the comma.
How can i do this?
Thanks in advance!