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Everything posted by anurag_8279

  1. Apostrophe Issue

    Hi , I am using Fusion Charts Version 3.2.2 and "javascript" as a renderer . I have replaced apostrophe in the label by " ' " but in the chart at the place of apostrophe , its is actually showing " ' " iteself. It worked well in trial version but it is having problem in full version.
  2. Apostrophe Issue

    Hi Sudipto, No I am not using AJAX to render the charts.
  3. Apostrophe Issue

    Hi, I am afraid nothing from our side is causing the conversion of "&". It is automatically getting converted to "&". Thanks
  4. Apostrophe Issue

    Hi, I have seen the source and its is like this : <script type="text/javascript"> if (FusionCharts && FusionCharts("FacilityPopulation") ) FusionCharts("FacilityPopulation").dispose(); FusionCharts.setCurrentRenderer('javascript'); var chart_FacilityPopulation = new FusionCharts({"dataFormat" : "xml", "scaleMode" : "noScale", "renderAt" : "FacilityPopulationDiv", "id" : "FacilityPopulation", "debugMode" : "0", "lang" : "EN", "swfUrl" : "../FusionCharts/Column3D.swf", "wMode" : "opaque", "width" : "100%", "height" : "300", "registerWithJS" : "1","dataSource" : "<chart caption='' xAxisName='' yAxisName='Average Personnel Count/1,000 SF Occupied' showValues='1' showLabels='1' showLegend='0' legendPosition='' formatNumberScale='0' numberPrefix='' numberSuffix='' canvasBgColor='FFFFFF' yAxisMinValue='0' yAxisMaxValue='5'><Set Label='Buil&apos;ding: (CH0852) 22...' Value='N/A' ToolText='Buil&apos;ding: (CH0852) 225 West Wacker Drive' /><Set Label='Zip: 20005' Value='N/A' /><Set Label='Region: Midwestern' Value='N/A' /><TrendLines><Line startValue='3.5' endValue='3.5' color='D31445' displayValue=' ' dashed='1' dashedLen='5' dashGap='5' toolText='Industry Benchmark,3.5' thickness='2' showOnTop='1' /></TrendLines></chart>"}).render();</script> The thing is that there was an apostrophe in the word building and through our code we replaced that by "'" manually. But in "'" is further breaking down in "&apos;" as u can see in the page source. Just want to let you know that we are using "jquery 1.7.2" and we are assuming that it could be possible that the .js files used by fusion charts are getting contradicted by our .js files that we are using. Thanks
  5. Apostrophe Issue

    Hi, Here is the code that asked for. set.Label = Data.Replace("'", "'") The fusion chat version i am using is "fusioncharts/3.2.3-sr3.5347". Thanks
  6. Apostrophe Issue

    Hi, Its a gentle reminder that you people have not responded to this issue from more then 4 days.. please respond to it.. thanks
  7. Apostrophe Issue

    Hi, Actually what happening is , I am replacing apostrophe by "'" through my code and when the xml is made it is further converting the "&" into "&" so the whole replacement of apostrophe i.e. "'" is becoming "&apos;". How can i resolve this. BTW i am using ASP class. Thanks
  8. Rendering Issues In Ie8

    Hi I am using Fusion Charts Version 3.2.2 and i am rendering them using "javascript ". It is working well in Mozilla, Chrome,IE9 and all other browsers except IE8. I have read all your replies but none of them is helping me out. It is showing a message as "A run time error has occured" as you can see in the screen attatched and after that it shows "Invalid Data".errorIE8.bmp I am using Jquery version 1.7.1, chart type is "Column3D". Further i would like to mention that your own Javascript demos are not rendering on IE8 and if you try to open them in IE8 it takes more 50% of CPU utilization and the browser ends up getting hanged. Here is the XML code : <?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?> <chart caption='' xAxisName='' yAxisName='Average Personnel Count/1,000 SF Occupied' showValues='1' showLabels='1' showLegend='0' legendPosition='' formatNumberScale='0' numberPrefix='' numberSuffix='' canvasBgColor='FFFFFF' yAxisMinValue='0' yAxisMaxValue='5'> <Set Label='Building: (CH0852) 225 West...' Value='3.58' ToolText='Building: (CH0852) 225 West Wacker Drive' /> <Set Label='Zip: 20005' Value='N/A' /> <Set Label='Region: Midwestern' Value='3.58' /> <TrendLines> <Line startValue='3.5' endValue='3.5' color='D31445' displayValue=' ' dashed='1' dashedLen='5' dashGap='5' toolText='Industry Benchmark,3.5' thickness='2' showOnTop='1' /> </TrendLines> </chart>
  9. Charts Not Rendering Correctly In Some Browsers

    Hi, I am using Fusion Charts Version 3.2.2 and i am rendering them using "javascript ". It is working well in Mozilla, Chrome,IE9 and all other browsers except IE8. I have read all your replies but none of them is helping me out. It is showing a message as "A run time error has occured" as you can see in the screen attatched. Thanks, Anurag errorIE8.bmp