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About stoyleg

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    Forum Newbie
  1. Group Categories On X-Axis

    I'm actually using the Dreamweaver extension but there doesn't seem to be a forum for that. I'm trying to specify two categories for the x-axis of a fairly simple bar chart so the first category is grouped by the second. You can see from the image below (where I've included the underlying data table) I have the 'Fish Families' along the x-axis - is it possible to group these by 'Island'? Any help much appreciated.
  2. I have the Dreamweaver extension. I am trying to create a dynamic chart using calculated PHP variables as opposed to a recordset - is this possible? There is no option to use anything other than a recordset when creating a dynamic chart, but I thought there might be a way round it. I have tried creating a simple chart and replacing the values with <?php echo ...?>, but because the values are read from an XML file, this doesn't work. Thanks for any help.